Category Archives: Discussion

Exploring Your Sexuality: Is Bondage Abusive?

Once in a while, a movie, a book or something else that has a different point of view, begins a revolution among people. This is what happened with “ Fifty Shades of Grey”, a while ago. It’s not that this movie brought bondage to the world. No! Bondage was always part of some people’s lives. But Fifty “Shades of Grey” somehow began normalising the practice. Continue reading Exploring Your Sexuality: Is Bondage Abusive?

Did Chrissie Hynde Really Blame Rape Victims?

Let’s make one thing clear – rape is a disgusting thing. When it comes to sex, everyone has the right to say whether they want it or not, and if they say anything but yes, they also have the right to be heard and listened to. If consent is not expressly given, it should not happen. Continue reading Did Chrissie Hynde Really Blame Rape Victims?

Do You Have The Perfect Penis?

Are there any questions that science won’t answer? Well, it seems that the answer to that is no, as scientists and researchers have worked hard to devise just what makes a penis attractive. That’s right, they thought that the most important thing they could tell us if why we look at a cock and go “yes please”. This is why I love science. Continue reading Do You Have The Perfect Penis?