Category Archives: Escort Articles

THE ART OF MASSAGE | Power and benefits of this therapeutic technique

Most men who respond to massage ads still think and hope that they respond to ads for sex. In many cases it is so, which could make the work of a genuine masseuse harder. Although sex is clearly pleasurable and rewarding, many men don’t appreciate the importance and benefits of real massage as well. This may be due to social conditioning and the impact of the euphemism for unrelated activities that the word massage has unfortunately become.

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Curvy Nina – Clients Expectations Vs The Reality of Bookings

I’ve been a sex worker or an escort, courtesan, companion, however you want to call it for the last five years…I’ve seen and lived many experiences, most of them extraordinary, but there was always a question that pestered me for a long time. What do men who visit escorts expect to get and what do they actually get? Continue reading Curvy Nina – Clients Expectations Vs The Reality of Bookings

Irish Jezebel’s Thoughts On Sex Workers’ Rights

International Sex Workers’ Rights Day is on the 3rd March. Many sex workers and supporters around the world have celebrated this day since it first began in 2001. This international event draws attention to the rights sex workers want… and who better to tell us that than a sex worker? Irish Jezebel gives us her thoughts on sex workers’ rights. Continue reading Irish Jezebel’s Thoughts On Sex Workers’ Rights