Why do men visit escorts? It’s a question that a lot of people often ask. Just as often, unfortunately, escorts and courtesans are portrayed as an evil and homewreckers. But no one ever bothers to find out the real reasons. Well, I’m here to break them to you. Continue reading Curvy Nina – The Reasons Men See Escorts
Tag Archives: escort articles
Curvy Nina – Clients Expectations Vs The Reality of Bookings
I’ve been a sex worker or an escort, courtesan, companion, however you want to call it for the last five years…I’ve seen and lived many experiences, most of them extraordinary, but there was always a question that pestered me for a long time. What do men who visit escorts expect to get and what do they actually get? Continue reading Curvy Nina – Clients Expectations Vs The Reality of Bookings
Irish Jezebel’s Thoughts On Sex Workers’ Rights
International Sex Workers’ Rights Day is on the 3rd March. Many sex workers and supporters around the world have celebrated this day since it first began in 2001. This international event draws attention to the rights sex workers want… and who better to tell us that than a sex worker? Irish Jezebel gives us her thoughts on sex workers’ rights. Continue reading Irish Jezebel’s Thoughts On Sex Workers’ Rights
Sex, Lies, and Statistics – The Laura Lee Blog
The title of this review should give you a good idea of what I’m going to be talking about with the following proviso; I enjoy sex and statistics, but I hate lies. For that reason I was very excited when Dr. Brooke Magnanti announced the release of her book, which addresses a lot of the common lies which are spun, quite deliberately, by prohibitionists against the sex industry. I’ve been a sex worker for a long time, so I know from first hand experience that a lot of the information which comes from prohibitionists is to put it kindly, erroneous in fact. Quite apart from the fact that Magnanti is herself a retired call girl, she’s also a scientist, kinda handy when it comes to statistical analyses. Continue reading Sex, Lies, and Statistics – The Laura Lee Blog
An Open Letter to Teenagers – The Laura Lee blog
know what you’re thinking , as you read the title to this blog. “Whooooaa there, open letters are no longer a thing.” Just because someone on Twitter decided two years ago that they’re no longer a thing, I’m afraid that’s tough. That’s the beauty of having your own blog y’see, you dodge the Cool Police, to an extent anyway. You can use your own blog to post pictures of cats, cupcake recipes, hell you can even make incendiary remarks. Example – “If you put the number of super-injunctions in Northern Ireland end to end, you could circle the North Pole, twice. Fact.” Continue reading An Open Letter to Teenagers – The Laura Lee blog
A Tale From The Dark Side – Laura Lee
See, here’s the thing.
T is my most sensible friend, there’s no question about that. Admittedly, the bar isn’t too high in terms of sensibilities, but still. In a late night spirited political debate, he will always be the one to demand evidence, damn him. Not a problem where the Nordic model is concerned, but when we’re talking about the inhumanity of North Korea’s 28 permitted haircuts, I struggle. Still, he’s tremendous fun, when he’s not trolling Mumsnet on the efficiency of terry towelling nappies in the eco system. We met whilst both stuck in the world of corporate prostitution – banking. It’s from there that the following tale comes. I say tale, I’m utterly convinced it’s true, for two reasons. Continue reading A Tale From The Dark Side – Laura Lee