There are many reasons people go to see escorts. Lots of them just want to meet hot women who they aren’t likely to meet in their own office or normal life. Others want to try things like BDSM which their own partner may be unwilling to do. For every client there is an individual story as to why they like the industry.
Continue reading Should You Meet an Escort For Your First Gay Experience?Tag Archives: Gay
India Votes To Decriminalise Gay Sex
Everyone here at Escort Ireland was delighted to hear this week that the Indian Supreme Court has ruled that gay sex is no longer an offence, in what was truly a monumental event for the country. Continue reading India Votes To Decriminalise Gay Sex
How George Michael Changed The World For Gay People
It is fair to say, 2016 has sucked for many of us. Brexit and an associated rise or racism, Trump getting the Presidency (though would the vile Hillary Clinton have been any better?) and an assortment of stars like Alan Rickman and Prince passing away. There will be loads more things to depress you, but I have to finish this article sometime before 2017. It seemed only fitting that there was a final ‘screw you’ from the year on Christmas Day, when pop legend George Michael passed away at the age of 53 from suspected heart failure. Continue reading How George Michael Changed The World For Gay People
Irish Catholic Church in Grindr Gay Sex App Scandal!
You really couldn’t make it up. Trainee Roman Catholic priests could face curbs on their internet usage after it was revealed that there has been use of gay dating app ‘Grindr’ in Ireland’s main seminary. Continue reading Irish Catholic Church in Grindr Gay Sex App Scandal!
Is Being Gay Natural or a Choice?
Don’t you think that people are overly sensitive about the issues and debates that are being raised in today’s media? Anything you say can easily be penalised under the scrupulous eye of the public, or any picture posted on the internet can fall under criticism depending on the context of the image. In academic terms, this is called ‘intertextuality’ where we establish the relationship between what we think and the content, but where do we get this intertextuality from? Continue reading Is Being Gay Natural or a Choice?
DUP Block Northern Irish Gay Marriage
It really should have been a great day. Monday saw the Northern Irish Assembly narrowly vote in favour of gay marriage equality. However, as ever in this part of the world, things are never designed to run that smoothly. Continue reading DUP Block Northern Irish Gay Marriage
Gay NFL Players Michael Sam Steps Away From Sport Over ‘Mental Issues’
Michael Sam, who in 2014 became the first openly gay American footballer to be drafted into the NFL, this week announced that he was stepping away from the sport, citing concerns about his mental health after a ‘difficult’ 12 months. Continue reading Gay NFL Players Michael Sam Steps Away From Sport Over ‘Mental Issues’
U.S Supreme Court Votes For Gay Marriage!
Well, it has happened. A day that we all wanted, but never really expected to see. The Supreme Court in America has ruled that gay marriage is a right that everyone in the country has, regardless of what State they are in. Continue reading U.S Supreme Court Votes For Gay Marriage!
Gay Rights Storm Over Cake Refusal!
Here at Escort Ireland, we are all for equality. We take any attempts at discrimination very seriously, and we long for the day when people are just managed by the human beings they are, and nothing else. This is why we found this story absolutely fascinating, and possibly slightly worrying. Continue reading Gay Rights Storm Over Cake Refusal!
Michael Sam Becomes First Openly Gay Player in the NFL!
This week, over in America, Michael Sam became the first openly gay American footballer to get onto an NFL team. The 24 year old defensive end joined the St Louis Rams as the 249th selection in the draft (where the best college players get picked up by the pro teams) This has received huge backing from all over the world. Continue reading Michael Sam Becomes First Openly Gay Player in the NFL!