All posts by Curvy Nina

Curvy Nina is a much loved and respected escort in Ireland.

Curvy Nina – Clients Expectations Vs The Reality of Bookings

I’ve been a sex worker or an escort, courtesan, companion, however you want to call it for the last five years…I’ve seen and lived many experiences, most of them extraordinary, but there was always a question that pestered me for a long time. What do men who visit escorts expect to get and what do they actually get? Continue reading Curvy Nina – Clients Expectations Vs The Reality of Bookings

Curvy Nina – Nine Things You Shouldn’t Say to an Escort

In my line of work I see people from different walks of life, which always made me consider myself blessed in a way. Seeing so many different personalities hasn’t changed my perspective of the job I’m doing, even though there are days when I just feel I want to throw my phone out the window and just say ‘fuck it’. Continue reading Curvy Nina – Nine Things You Shouldn’t Say to an Escort