Tag Archives: penis

Is There Such Thing as ‘Summer Penis’?

So, have you been enjoying the heatwave? I certainly have. I got to spend time with my family, and also enjoyed nice beer in sun drenched gardens. I am sure that isn’t just my experience, and is one shared by many. However, on top of that, it seems there has been another benefit of this unusual hot spell, and that is guy’s penis’ getting bigger. Continue reading Is There Such Thing as ‘Summer Penis’?

Man With World’s Largest Penis Declared Disabled

There are millions of men around the world who are desperate for a larger penis. Maybe it is because of the porn industry but there is a massive industry in drugs and equipment which is designed to make your dick bigger. However, for this guy having the world’s largest penis led to him being declared disabled! Continue reading Man With World’s Largest Penis Declared Disabled

Here is How Having a Small Penis May Actually Lead To Better Sex!

There is a massive social stigma against those who have a small penis. It attacks the very essence of masculinity, even becoming a joke for many women who comment that a jerk of a guy must have a ‘very small dick’. Though this is seriously unpleasant and embarrassing for those affected, good news may be on the way. A new report says that men with a small penis may actually be able to give a woman MORE pleasure than those with a big one. Continue reading Here is How Having a Small Penis May Actually Lead To Better Sex!

Man Messages Wrong girl Complaining About Small Penis Jokes – It Didn’t End Well

I have done it before, on numerous occasions actually. I have sent a text to the wrong person, never really understanding why I have done it. I am going to guess it is usually my drunken fault, taking the number down incorrectly when I am pissed up. Continue reading Man Messages Wrong girl Complaining About Small Penis Jokes – It Didn’t End Well

Five Things That Happen To The Penis With Age!

Most of us worry about getting old. It affect so many areas of our lives; work, finance, and of course sex. Maybe a lot of it is the fear of the unknown. Well I may not be able to help with your job or pensions, but we can talk about bedroom antics. So, in keeping with that, have you ever wondered what happens to your penis when you get older? Continue reading Five Things That Happen To The Penis With Age!

Crazy Facts About the Penis!

At some point in your life, you’ve learned about the inner workings of the penis, yet chances are you weren’t given all the exciting details of the joystick. Most likely, you were given the basic information that you needed at that particular time in your life. That elementary knowledge helped you understand that the boom slang is fascinating and what’s happening behind the scenes is rather complicated. Yet behold, there are far more hard facts and sticky details about the love muscle that you deserve to know! Continue reading Crazy Facts About the Penis!

Does Jelqing Make Your Penis Bigger? (Video)

Many men feel insecure when it comes to their penises. They are afraid their shape, form and size are not how they’re supposed to be. There have been many types of treatments specially created to make men believe they can make their penis bigger. Why? Because they were told they need to have it bigger in order to satisfy ladies. Continue reading Does Jelqing Make Your Penis Bigger? (Video)