Man Messages Wrong girl Complaining About Small Penis Jokes – It Didn’t End Well

I have done it before, on numerous occasions actually. I have sent a text to the wrong person, never really understanding why I have done it. I am going to guess it is usually my drunken fault, taking the number down incorrectly when I am pissed up.

Stressed young man looks at phone

You would hope that the reaction would be ‘sorry mate, wrong number’. For me it usually has been like that. However, sometimes the subject matter is just so hilarious/bad, for many, the piss has be taken. So when Michael messaged ‘Crystal’ asking her to stop going on about his small penis, it was never going to end well.

Yes, Michael asked the girl he thought was Crystal to stop going on about him having a small cock. An embarrassing convo, and a situation he hoped would end with this intervention. Well, no such luck

Fake Crystal tries to point out the slight to Michael’s manhood may have been a compliment. However, the sarcasm just oozes off the screen.

It seems that Michael had been given the wrong number for Crystal by a friend called Lauren. We have no idea whether this was done on purpose, and if it was on purpose, why exactly.

Text message conversation

‘Crystal’ eventually came clean and admitted that the number was a wrong one. However, as you can see, she left a barbed comment as she left.

Divided Opinions

An image of the conversation was posted on Imgur, and it actually divided opinion. Many thought that the exchange was amusing, and a great piece of trolling. However, many others thought that whoever did this was bang out of order and some common decency should be shown, instead of being a bitch/bastard to an obviously stressed guy.

I am not sure where I am on this one. I am actually 50/50. It is good natured piss taking, or is whoever it is completely rude? It has to be said, small penis joked are dodgy territory.

What do you think? You can answer in the poll below!

Martin Ward
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