Is There Such Thing as ‘Summer Penis’?

So, have you been enjoying the heatwave? I certainly have. I got to spend time with my family, and also enjoyed nice beer in sun drenched gardens. I am sure that isn’t just my experience, and is one shared by many. However, on top of that, it seems there has been another benefit of this unusual hot spell, and that is guy’s penis’ getting bigger.

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Some men are claiming that the heat is giving them ‘summer penis’, a phenomenon in which heat causes the penis to appear bigger.

A ‘Big’ Thing

This is a real term, and was coined by Tracy Moore of Mel Magazine, after she heard many men saying the heat made their penis grow.

Reddit user Guillermo97 asked others if they experienced “bigger d*** in summer and smaller in winter”.

He said: “Anybody notices size fluctuation during the year? I know mine is bigger, I have better erections in the summer and I also tend to be more of a shower instead of a grower. In the winter, it is the exact contrary. Why is that? More heat = better blood flow?”

One person said: “Just another part of your body’s homeostasis trying to better regulate ideal temperatures.”
Another wrote: “This happens only to my balls. I mean, when its hot they like to go down like if they were trying to get to my knee. In winter or cold days they look like a little hard brain.”

Is It Real?

But does the penis get bigger? According to Orlando urologist Jamin Brahmbhatt it does, kind of.

He said: “Summer or winter, your penis size should remain the same.

“When it’s cold outside, your body does try to maintain its internal heat, and therefore things may appear to be more contracted. Blood vessels near the skin contract to maintain the internal heat. However, this type of body heat regulation should not affect the overall size of your penis.”

He added: “When it’s hot outside, your body does try to evaporate the heat through sweat.

“Also when it’s hot outside, you may take in more water, which may in combination with the sweating make it appear like your body or skin is bloated. And that may give you the perception that things are larger.”
So yes, your penis may not get bigger, but it certainly does seem bigger visually. However, you aren’t going to be hung like a porn star because of a heatwave, no matter how much we would like this to be the case.

Enjoy what is left of the sunshine folks!

Martin Ward
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