Tag Archives: TS

Jenni Murray in Attack on Trans Community

Here at Escort Ireland, we are big supporters of the trans community. With so many trans escorts on our website, we have seen the hardship they have had to endure, but on a more positive note, we also see how society is becoming more tolerant. Therefore, we were quite upset with the comments of Dame Jenni Murray, who made some rather offensive comments regarding those men who have a sex change and become women. Continue reading Jenni Murray in Attack on Trans Community

There’s Something About Miriam -The Most Vile Show Ever!

I was sat in the office last week working out what article I was going to write that day. Suddenly, one of the IT guys shouted across the office to me ‘Hey mate, have you ever heard of ‘There’s Something About Miriam’? By the sound of his voice, he was in total shock. Continue reading There’s Something About Miriam -The Most Vile Show Ever!