One thing we have noticed over recent years is a huge rise in the number of TS escorts coming into the industry and getting rave reviews. They come in all varieties, post-op, pre-op, male and female. No matter what your type is, there will be somebody for you.
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Jenni Murray in Attack on Trans Community
Here at Escort Ireland, we are big supporters of the trans community. With so many trans escorts on our website, we have seen the hardship they have had to endure, but on a more positive note, we also see how society is becoming more tolerant. Therefore, we were quite upset with the comments of Dame Jenni Murray, who made some rather offensive comments regarding those men who have a sex change and become women. Continue reading Jenni Murray in Attack on Trans Community
Tips For Seeing a Transexual Escort For The First Time!
Seeing a transexual is not a new trend among men all over the world. The only new thing nowadays is that people are more open about wanting to meet a TS escort. Continue reading Tips For Seeing a Transexual Escort For The First Time!
Is Caitlyn Jenner The Perfect Transgender Spokesperson?
Caitlyn Jenner seems to be the name on everybody’s lips at the moment, and for good reason. She is working hard to make sure transgender people get the best chances in life, and is keen to show that there is support out there for everyone. Continue reading Is Caitlyn Jenner The Perfect Transgender Spokesperson?
Michael Phelps Girlfriend Revealed to Be a TS!
Here at Escort Ireland we have always been great supporters of the rights of transsexuals to live their lives as they see fit. Some people have just been unlucky enough to be born in the wrong body, but thankfully they are lucky enough to live in an age where they are able to do something about it. Continue reading Michael Phelps Girlfriend Revealed to Be a TS!
There’s Something About Miriam -The Most Vile Show Ever!
I was sat in the office last week working out what article I was going to write that day. Suddenly, one of the IT guys shouted across the office to me ‘Hey mate, have you ever heard of ‘There’s Something About Miriam’? By the sound of his voice, he was in total shock. Continue reading There’s Something About Miriam -The Most Vile Show Ever!