Category Archives: Discussion

Porn Versus Celebrity Nudes

Every man in the world will forever remember the day that nudes of Jennifer Lawrence leaked. An auspicious sun had crept from behind the clouds, casting golden shadows across the land. Your eyes cast lazily over the computer screen, scanning for new emails and news updates. And then you see it: you suddenly focus and your thoughts become sharp and exact, every fibre of your body crawling with disbelief, for Jennifer Lawrence has had a set of nude photos leaked. Continue reading Porn Versus Celebrity Nudes

The Evolving Trans Community

For future generations, the beginning of the 21st century will be synonymous with change. Over the past two decades the landscape of Western society has dramatically shifted – with the birth of the digital age giving rise to rapid technological development, increased secularisation and an erosion of boundaries. This latter point, in particular, relates not only to the boundaries created by nationalist identities (a quick look at Twitter or Facebook will quickly reveal how globalised we’ve become) but also those created by gender and sexual identities. Continue reading The Evolving Trans Community

Why is there No Irish Porn Industry?

The porn industry is really a thriving business these days. The internet has led to millions of people visiting porn sites on a daily basis. Gone are the days of having to go to the local corner shop, getting a magazine off the top shelf, plonking it on the desk, purchasing it, then running out of the shop, making a mental not to go there again for a LONG time. Now we just need to visit sites like Pornhub or Redtube, and it is all there in front of us. Continue reading Why is there No Irish Porn Industry?

What Would Happen If Your Porn Viewing Went Public?

What you watch on porn sites might not be as anonymous as you’re hoping it is. It’s a terrifying thought, isn’t it? People might be able to see your details next to the type of porn you watch and how often you watch it… or that is what Vice’s investigation seems to suggest. Continue reading What Would Happen If Your Porn Viewing Went Public?

The Fetish of Panty Sniffing!

In this day and age, people are finding all kinds of ways to get their sexual kicks from watching porn to shoving foreign objects where the sun don’t shine. Sniffing the recently worn trollies of the fairer sex seems also seems to be all the rage these days, with videos of plumbers being caught on camera rooting through dirty laundry baskets of their clients and women actively selling their soiled briefs on the internet, there is a lot of it going on. Continue reading The Fetish of Panty Sniffing!

The Fascination with Animated Porn

I will begin this article with a true story. The other day I was talking to one of my work colleagues about porn, as you do, being the filthy deviant that I am, and we got onto the subject of animated porn (don’t know how, like!). Anyway, it reminded me of a lad I used to work with a few years ago at a very well known video game retailer back around 2001/2002. Continue reading The Fascination with Animated Porn