We call it by many different names. We might say that Aunt Flo is paying a visit, or that it is shark week. Sometimes we’ll simply saying that it is “that time of the month”. But periods are something many of us have an endure. It’s a challenge each month, especially when we desperately want to fuck but the idea of bringing up period sex makes us nervous.
Why does it make us nervous? Well, most people will react negatively to the mere mention of periods. Hence why we have that many different names for it. It makes it difficult to even think about suggesting period sex, even though a shower can take care of the problem.
So what’s the big deal? Periods are, unfortunately, a part of life. So what do people really think about period sex?
So much blood
Some people just aren’t into the idea of fucking while their partner is on their period. Often it is the mental image that is the problem, as Reddit user insanesex points out. They say “I don’t have an aversion to blood itself, but I guess my mind just isn’t prepared to associate blood and sex together”.
insanesex isn’t alone. Houdini5150, although they don’t seem against it, say that you should “be prepared for a murder scene”.
Further on from Houdini5150’s comment, another user states that it isn’t “as bad as it sounds unless she’s having a really heavy flow day”. But the reality is that periods are associated with a lot of blood in the minds of many, and so they want nothing to do with it.

Don’t care either way
Periods are, unfortunately, something that happens. We would really rather they didn’t, but when they do, the idea of period sex can seem pretty appealing to women. For those who don’t immediately dismiss the idea, it can be an interesting experience.
However, that doesn’t mean that people suddenly want loads of period sex. In fact, some people aren’t bothered about it either way. practeerts is one of those, stating that they weren’t “ever too bothered by it”, explaining that “as long as there’s no playing with the discharge” that it is fine.
User zlipus agrees with this assessment, and from the many other comments on “the front page of the internet”, this seems to be a common thought. They might not be screaming that they want it from the rooftops, but they aren’t too bothered about the blood if their partner suggests it.

They love it!
On the other side of things, there are those who not only realise that it is something that will happen either way, but actually look forward to it. There is a huge taboo around period sex, which for many simply makes it more appealing.
Take Redditer pavlikmmm for example. They happily say that the best sex they have had with their girlfriend “was period sex”, as “hormones and stuff do their thing”.
User RiNgO70 points out that it is now regular in their relationship, after they were too horny to resist. But they also tell us that it can help with cramping. Orgasms are natural pain relief, so if your partner is having bad period cramps, an orgasm can really help. Maybe it is time to try it?

Would you have period sex?
For some people, the idea of having sex on their period is a huge no-no. They don’t want it. They feel that they will be literally bathing in blood and that is a huge turn on. For others, however, they genuinely can’t get enough of it.
Period sex can help with cramps and improve their mood, but is this enough for you to take a chance and try something new?
We want to hear from you. Let us know your feelings on period sex by leaving a comment in the box below. You can also vote in the poll to tell us if you would swim the red tide.
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