In my past relationships, periods were a no-go. I couldn’t even ask one of my previous partners to pick me up some tampons because he’d get offended by the idea. He’d pull a face at the fact that I was bleeding. When I was on my period, it became “blowjob week” to him.
Continue reading How Does EI Really Feel About Period Sex?Tag Archives: period sex
What It Is Really Like To Have Period Sex!
That time of the month. On the rag. Shark week. Aunt Flo. Monsoon season. The red wave. Periods have many different names, because calling it a period is too much for some people. We make jokes about it such “don’t trust anything that bleeds for five days and doesn’t die”. It’s bloody, and yet some find the idea of period sex very appealing. Continue reading What It Is Really Like To Have Period Sex!
Study Shows How Many Of Us Are Having Period Sex
For some people, that time of the month puts a stop to all bedroom activities. Period sex is something that a lot of people just aren’t on board with. They think that it is disgusting and messy. Others see it as a natural part of life and so they don’t mind it one bit. Continue reading Study Shows How Many Of Us Are Having Period Sex
Mess-Free Period Sex: Is It Possible?
When it comes to period sex, people tend to be very set in their ways about it. Some just don’t want to bother with it, fearing the mess. Others love it, as they know that it provides a number of benefits. But what if you could have mess-free period sex? Continue reading Mess-Free Period Sex: Is It Possible?
Free Premium Porn For Women On Their Period!
We call it many different things. A visit from Aunt Flo, rising the crimson tide, shark week, the red wedding (for Game of Thrones fans). Either way, women can agree that having your period sucks. It is painful and can leave you feeling, frankly, like shit. Continue reading Free Premium Porn For Women On Their Period!
What Do People Really Think About Period Sex?
We call it by many different names. We might say that Aunt Flo is paying a visit, or that it is shark week. Sometimes we’ll simply saying that it is “that time of the month”. But periods are something many of us have an endure. It’s a challenge each month, especially when we desperately want to fuck but the idea of bringing up period sex makes us nervous. Continue reading What Do People Really Think About Period Sex?