When it comes to period sex, people tend to be very set in their ways about it. Some just don’t want to bother with it, fearing the mess. Others love it, as they know that it provides a number of benefits. But what if you could have mess-free period sex?
There are so many different methods out there promising that you can have totally mess-free period sex… but do they work? Which method is best? Is it worth just getting over the mess and enjoying sex without any gimmicks?
The benefits of period sex
Periods happen. For women, it is something that we have to deal with each and every month, and it isn’t fun. The cramps, the mood swings, the desire to eat anything and everything chocolate-related. It’s a lot to deal with. And that’s before we even talk about the need to constantly change pads, tampons, or empty your menstrual cup.
It’s a tough time, made even more challenging because we want sex more. When I’m on my period, my desire for sex goes through the roof. I want it more than ever, and having sex on your period is actually a great thing. For a start, you’re more lubricated, making sex easier. Plus, orgasms can help in two big ways. The first is that orgasms are a natural pain relief, helping to ease the cramps. The second is that orgasms can help to shorten the length of period by making the lining shed quicker. I don’t know about you, but these all seem like great reasons to get it on.
The mess puts a lot of people off. Periods mean blood, and this can make people imagine a red flood between your legs. This isn’t how it works, but the thought still makes people say “no” to period sex. But what if you could have mess-free period sex?
The sponge
There are plenty of different methods online that people have suggested for having mess-free period sex. One method that people are trying is the sponge method. This sponge can either be a sea sponge or a make-up sponge.
Most people are opting for a make-up sponge because they are relatively cheap and easy to find. You might even have a pack of them lying around somewhere anyway. The shape of them makes them perfect to stop blood during sex, and many within the porn and sex industry will use them.
To have period sex using this method, the woman will “insert one up to your cervix and you should be good for a couple of hours”. Worried about feeling it during sex? Nona Willis Aronowitz tells us that “fingers might be able to feel them, but most penises will be none the wiser”. This is because the sponge won’t feel drastically different to the pussy you are in.
The FLEX disc
For a lot of people the idea of using a cosmetic make-up sponge to stem the flow of blood during sex isn’t very appealing. They want something designed for the task, which is where the FLEX comes into play. On their site we are told that “FLEX isn’t a cup, it’s a flexible disc that comfortably forms to the shape of your body”.
It is a disposable menstrual disc which not only lasts for up to 12 hours, but also allows for “mess-free period sex”. It sits where the vaginal canal meets the cervix, and because this is the widest part of the vagina, the FLEX fits comfortably there.
This means that you can have sex while she’s on her period without any blood interfering in your fun. Best of all, the discs are disposable, so when you’ve finished it can go straight in the bin.
The menstrual cup
A lot of people are happy to just use their menstrual cup while having period sex. The problem is that they often sit in a way that makes sex difficult with them in. Some people manage fine with it, but others struggle.
Along comes Ziggy. The Ziggy cup is a “flat-fit menstrual cup” and claims to be “the only reusable menstrual cup for mess-free period sex”, which is a hefty claim!
Of course, people felt as though they absolutely had to test this theory. Ellen Scott from Metro tried one, and found that getting it into place was difficult. While it was difficult to detect it during sex, she also experienced a great deal of difficult getting it out without ending up covered in her own blood. Not the kind of experience you want, right?
Mess-free period sex
When it comes to having mess-free period sex, sometimes it might just be better to forget all of the gimmicks and get used to the fact that you are probably going to get some blood on you. The amount of blood your partner will produce during period sex is going to be minimal. Yes, there will be some, but not a lot. It isn’t going to look as though your dick has killed her.
If you are truly worried about enjoying mess-free period sex, you might be better off avoiding it completely, or taking it to the bathroom for hot shower sex. What do you think? Are you tempted to try some of these products the next time, or are you happy without?
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