Free Handjobs From Taiwanese Charity!

Yes, you read the title correctly. There is a charity in Taiwan that has collected together their skills to give away handjobs to those who are worthy. It might sound odd, but it is actually for a pretty good cause.
Blond naked seductive woman in sensual hot pose

The handjobs don’t just go to any old person on the street. They actually go to the physically disabled to bring them a little bit of a sexual pleasure.

Non-profit handjobs

It might sound like a strange idea, but it is a very important thing that many people with disabilities miss out on. Having a healthy sex life is one of the basic needs we have to go on living happily, and so this service helps to plug the gap.

The charity, known as Hand Angel, is made up of ten volunteers. These volunteers are men and women of a variety of different sexualities and abilities who firmly believe that sex is an important part of life.

As the founder of the charity states, “disabled people share the same physical and emotional needs as any other, and therefore should have the right to pursue them.” Here here!

However, you can’t simply claim to be disabled to get a free handjob. The rules are actually pretty simple but ensure that only the eligible receive them. First of all, only the physically disabled can receive them. The mentally disabled cannot, as this is would then become an issue about consent.

Secondly, it is mostly sensual. Every person is entitled to three handjobs in their lifetime, and each one is accompanied by kisses and caresses to make it all the more intimate.
Man in a wheelchair

Does it really help?

We all know how amazing an orgasm can be. If you are feeling stressed out, having an orgasm can really relieve all of the tension from your body.

It can make you feel much happier and better about yourself too, so it is a win/win situation.

The charity recently spoke to Vice UK about their work, explaining one situation with a muscular dystrophic man: “the volunteer caressed him thoroughly and gave him a handjob. He described the intimacy as being so intense that, for a minute, he believed he was in love.” Aww.

They go on to explain that “he knew it was only temporary, of course, but the experience provided him with an emotional connection he’d never felt before”. What could be so bad about that?

The good news is that this isn’t the only such service around the world. In the Netherlands, their health system has a grant scheme, which allows disabled people the right to pay for sexual services up to 12 times a year.

For years, sex workers have been saying how vital their work is to those with disabilities… thankfully people are starting to listen!

What do you think about this? Is this the direction we should be moving in? Do you think it really has that big of an impact on the lives of those involved? Let us know by visiting the Escort Ireland forums or by leaving your comment in the box below.

Lara Mills
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