How to Tighten your Vagina

It can be embarrassing to discuss this issue. I often come across women who are ‘loose’ and believe they are the only ones experiencing this problem. However, many women have the same concerns, especially after childbirth (although there are other causes) – so don’t panic. It is worth touching upon these concerns at your next appointment with your GP or Nurse, as medical assistance can be helpful. I guarantee it will not be the first time they have discussed this issue!

In the meantime, there are exercises that can be done to help tighten your vagina. These are known as kegel exercises and they are designed to help strengthen the pelvic floor muscles; the muscles that stretch during pregnancy and childbirth. These exercises are known to tone your core, recover health, strengthen the bladder and improve sexual pleasure by strengthening the muscles in the pelvic floor and making them more elastic. It has to be said, this will in no way make your vagina smaller, but if you follow the instructions below they could make the opening tighter.


Basic Kegel

Kegel exercises can be done discreetly and any time that works best for you. If you aim to do these as part of a daily routine, you will find it easier to ensure that you are fitting enough sets in. For maximum results; you should plan to do five to ten sets a day. Each set should contain ten kegels. When I have spoken to friends and colleagues, they’ve all agreed that the hardest part is remembering to do them daily. I have made mine part of my morning routine – I do a set in the shower, a set while brushing my teeth and a set on the way to work (you get the picture!). There are so many opportunities to do these throughout the day that there really is no excuse. They are fantastically easy to do and the wonderful thing about kegels is you can do them anywhere without anyone having the slightest idea of what you are up to.

The first step is to identify the right muscles. To do this, try stopping your urine flow midstream. This is quick and simple and if you succeed, you’ve got the right muscles. If you struggle; keep trying and focus on clenching the muscles around the vagina. If you are unsure or want to double-check; insert a finger or two into your vagina and tighten the muscles. If you can feel your fingers being clenched (even just a little), then you’ve located your pelvic floor muscles. Once you’ve identified the correct muscles, empty your bladder and lie on your back. Take a deep breath and tighten your pelvic floor muscles. Hold the contraction for as long as you can or up to five seconds, and then relax for five seconds. To begin with, do this five times in a row. As your muscles begin to strengthen, aim to keep them contracted for longer until you reach ten seconds. Make sure that you relax for the same amount of time as your contractions. Focusing on your breathing can help – although you should avoid holding your breath during these exercises.


Having trouble?

If you’re having trouble doing these exercises, don’t be embarrassed to ask for help. Your doctor is confidential and could give you important feedback. They may even offer you biofeedback training to ensure you’re isolating and exercising the correct muscles. This involves your doctor inserting a small probe into your vagina – as you contract and relax your pelvic floor muscles, the probe will monitor and measure your pelvic activity. This may sound uncomfortable and humiliating, but it really isn’t. Again, doctors have seen this many times before and it will confirm the use of the correct muscles. There’s no point continuing with the exercises if they’re not going to be of any benefit.

The Results

If you follow the instructions and exercise regularly, you can expect results within a few months. For continued benefits, you should make kegel exercises a permanent part of your daily routine. Continuing to use these muscles every day will keep them working effectively and will guarantee your sex-life remains mind-blowingly amazing. However, if you are only planning on doing these for a select amount of time, physiotherapists recommend you continue for at least six months.

If you find yourself enjoying the benefits of kegel, why not take your skills to the next level with a pro workout. These will include a new set of exercises such as the book, the march and the one-legged bridge. These can be found online and will continue to strengthen those muscles. When you feel ready, try squeezing your muscles when you’re having sex; it will be a great surprise for him and will increase the pleasure for both of you.

Lara Mills
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