When we have questions, we tend to turn to the internet for solutions. We might use sites like Reddit to try and get answers, or we might just opt to visit our favourite search engine. When you begin typing your question, sites like Google with auto-fill to try and complete your question using the most popular requests.
It seems that there are a few common questions people have when they turn to Google, and thanks to some research from Durex, we now know what the most asked sex questions are on the search engine. So here are the question and the answers to them, so you don’t have to go searching.
On female pleasure…
Where is the g-spot?
The g-spot is not some mythical creature that only appears to the worthy. You don’t even have to perform a ritual to find it. In fact, it is surprisingly easy to find if you know what you are looking for.
It sits just a few inches inside of the vagina, on the front wall. So no, you don’t have to have a big cock to hit it. In fact, you will find it easier to stimulate the g-spot with your fingers. Simply slide them in and rub at the spongey area two or three inches inside of her, on the front wall of her pussy. Well done, you’ve found the g-spot!

How to make a woman orgasm
You’ll know by now that there is no “this one trick will make her come!” solution to getting a woman to orgasm. We are all different and all like different things. Some need extra stimulation to get there, while others find that dirty talk can push them over the edge.
So how do you know what will work for your partner? You ask her. Asking your partner is being sex smart. After all, who knows what she wants in bed better than her? No-one. So ask and you will be told exactly how to get her off.
On penis problems…
How to get a bigger penis manually
Size does not matter to most women. As we’ve already discussed earlier, the g-spot is only a few inches inside of her pussy, and so you can stimulate with your fingers. However, some people still seem eager to try and give themselves an extra advantage.
People will use everything, from penis pumps to try and increase length and girth, to simply pulling their cock with specific “exercises”. Honestly, the best thing for you to do is to simply accept your size and improve your skills in the bedroom to please your partner.
How to measure a penis
For some people, knowing how big they are is important. They might not intend to brag about it, but they want to be able to tell their partner or simply see how they compare to the average man.
It’s really simple to measure your cock. First, you want to get your cock hard. Grab yourself a ruler and put one end of it at the base of your cock. Then measure to the tip of your erect dick. Keep the ruler perpendicular to your body for the most accurate results, and you’ll soon know just how you measure up.

How to insert a male organ into a female one
This is probably not a question you were expecting to pop up, but it is one of the most asked sex questions on Google. It seems that some people are unsure about how to have sex, and so we are going to make things as simple as possible.
First you’ll need consent, and you’ll need to remember that this can be withdrawn at any time. Next you’ll need a hard cock and lube, just to make things easier. You can then slide your cock between her legs, using lube to help slip into her pussy. She’ll be able to guide you with her hands, if you need it.
On STIs and STDs…
Can you get rid of herpes?
It seems that, of the most asked sex questions Google has to offer, a large number of them involve sexual health. Practising safe sex can help to prevent STIs and STDs, but that doesn’t stop people from worrying that they might have picked someone up.
For many, they want to know if they can get rid of herpes. Unfortunately, there is no cure for genital herpes, so you cannot get rid of it once you have it. You can, however, control the symptoms using antiviral medicines and help to prevent the spread by avoiding sex when the symptoms are at their worst, and using condoms the rest of the time.

How to get rid of genital warts
The NHS website tells us that genital warts “are the second most common type of sexually transmitted infection”, right after chlamydia. No wonder so many people are turning to Google for help!
The issue is that many people don’t want to ask their doctor about it. They feel embarrassed, but they are the experts. There are a number of different treatments people suggest to try at home but you should see your healthcare professional. They will be able to provide you with the right treatment, and you might only need a cream for it. That doesn’t seem so bad, does it?
What is the clap?
The clap is the name used to refer to gonorrhoea. If you have it, you might notice a thick green or yellow discharge coming from your genitals, as well as pain when urinating and bleeding between periods. However, around half of women have no symptoms, and 1 in 10 men don’t show any either. This is bad, as it can lead to severe health problems in the long-term if left undiagnosed.
To treat gonorrhoea, you’ll need to speak to your doctor. It is often treated with a single antibiotic tablet and antibiotic injection, and you’ll find that most of the symptoms improve within just a few days. However, it is still important to have a follow-up appointment to get the all clear before you start having sex again.
Other most asked sex questions
How old do you have to be to buy condoms?
One of the most asked sex questions has taken many by surprise. It seems that some want to know how old you have to be in order to buy condoms. The answer? There is no age restriction.
Condoms are available at any age. You can buy them in your local shop, or you can head to the contraception clinic to get them for free. It is important to take the time to find the right condoms for you, as you might find that you and your partner have preferences.

How long does sex last?
How long is a piece of string? How long sex lasts will depend on a number of different factors. For example, when is the last time you had an orgasm? Are you feeling stressed, which can make it difficult to maintain an erection and enjoy sex? Do you have problems with premature ejaculation?
There is no set time that sex will last. In fact, studies in the past have shown that sex can last from 33 seconds to 44 minutes. It varies from person to person. Still worried? Simply talk to your partner about your concerns and you’ll be able to work through it together!
It seems there are some themes when it comes to the most asked sex questions, according to Google. Matters of female pleasure, penises, and STIs and common, but there are a few interesting questions in there. Tell us which question has surprised you the most by leaving a comment in the box below.
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