A lot of us here will have seen the film ‘The Man With Two Brains’. You know the one; it has Steve Martin in, and he tries to put the brain of a dead, nice person (the brain can talk, obviously) into the head of his bitch wife. Well, even better than that, have you heard the one about the ‘woman with two vagina’s. Yes, you did hear me right, and no, this isn’t a new, messed up porn film. Incredibly enough this is actually real life. Continue reading The Woman With Two Vaginas!
Tag Archives: USA
Man Masturbates With Stuffed Toy In Supermarket!
Working at Escort Ireland, I like to think I have seen most things. Ever since I started running the Escort Ireland blog, I have looked round the internet and found some of the strangest tales imaginable and I thought nothing could shock me. Continue reading Man Masturbates With Stuffed Toy In Supermarket!
Teen Ordered To Remove Make Up in Transgender Photo Storm!
Here at Escort Ireland, we have always been a big supporter of the rights of the transgender community. This is why we found this particular story coming from America very interesting indeed. Continue reading Teen Ordered To Remove Make Up in Transgender Photo Storm!
Man Gets Out of Marriage By Faking Own Death!
You really couldn’t make it up. Tucker Blandford, 23 of Stamford, Connecticut tried to get out of his wedding with bride-to-be Alex Lanchester of Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands, also 23 by pretending he was dead. Continue reading Man Gets Out of Marriage By Faking Own Death!
Female Runner Makes GPS Maps Of Penis’s!
We all know that running can be a real pain in the backside. I am aware from personal experience that trudging out those miles may well be good for you, but it can be boring and often quite painful. Continue reading Female Runner Makes GPS Maps Of Penis’s!
Student In Trouble For Drawing Penis On Playing Field!
A student in Florida has been banned from marching in his graduation ceremony after drawing a giant penis on the schools playing field. Continue reading Student In Trouble For Drawing Penis On Playing Field!
Man Tries To Have Sex With an ATM and a Picnic Table!
Drink can have a bad affect on some people. Fights, arguments, cheating; it can all be come back, on numerous occasions to alcohol. But having sex with an ATM and a picnic table? You need to be a special kind of drunk to consider doing that! Continue reading Man Tries To Have Sex With an ATM and a Picnic Table!
Bully Has To Hold Sign Proclaiming Himself ‘A Bully!’
I have always hated bullies. I used to see them at school, picking on weaker kids, and absolutely nothing would be done about it, due to the fact they would usually be members of the football team, or the prettier girls. Continue reading Bully Has To Hold Sign Proclaiming Himself ‘A Bully!’