When people start talking about sex, we tend to be a little gullible. If someone tells us something relating to the subject then we have a habit of believing it almost without question. It’s how phrases like “size matters” and “hot dog down a hallway” start becoming popular… and it sucks. Continue reading Ridiculous Sex Myths We Should Stop Believing!
Tag Archives: sex myths
The Worrying Sex Myths People Still Believe!
There were some things we believed about sex when we were younger, but as time has gone by, we’ve become educated. Our experiences and the information we’ve acquired have helped to show that the sex myths we believed are just that: myths. Continue reading The Worrying Sex Myths People Still Believe!
Five Myths About the Penis!
Though the majority of women strongly believe that size doesn’t actually matter While the ability of the one attached to the penis is extremely important, the majority of men have issues with their size. Well, we all have our own issues, don’t we? Continue reading Five Myths About the Penis!
Sex Facts We Don’t Talk About
Are you tired of only hearing all the amazing, and even surrealistic aspects of sex? How can you expect a normal, human experience when movies, commercials and even society tell you so much crap about having graceful, rhythmic and artistic sex? And if you love each other it will definitely make you orgasm at the same time. Really? Is that what you should all expect from every sexual intercourse? Should you be disappointed if the fireworks don’t happen? Continue reading Sex Facts We Don’t Talk About