The Automatic Blowjob Sex Toy!

Sex toys are getting more and more interesting and effective as the years go by. We all saw the story last week on the Escort Ireland blog of the relief worker in Afghanistan who was accidentally exposed by the Guardian newspaper for having a fleshlight.

The Autoblow 2

But apparently nothing matches up to the Autoblow 2, which claims to give a real, automatic blowjob experience. That is what it’s inventor says anyway.

The video says that you put your willy in a sleeve (three different sizes) and then insert it into the machine. You can then adjust with a button how fast it goes as it stimulates your penis.

Well, my first question was ‘is this safe?’. Answering that, the inventor says it won’t short circuit and electrocute your dick.

I remain to be convinced.

Great Demand

How successful will it be? Very much so according to reports. It has not only reached its investment target of $45,000, but has received another $235,247 on top of that.

On a side-note, I can just imagine this inventor walking into an episode of ‘Dragons Den’, demanding cash and asking Duncan Bannatyne and Peter Jones to have a go on this contraption. I would actually pay good money to see that!

To be fair, I’m not sure I would use it. And as a company, Escort England isn’t recommending it in any way, shape of form. Still, if you want to give it a go, feel free to order one from this link!

If anyone does feel the need, remember to let us know what you think!

Martin Ward
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