Tag Archives: porn ban

Should We Have To Request To Access Porn?

Plenty of countries and the internet providers in those countries are making it a policy now that websites contain “adult” content, such as porn, are automatically blocked. They say that it is to try and prevent those under-age from accessing the websites, as you can easily lie about your age when the pop-up comes up, and often they give those paying for their internet the choice of whether they accept the blocking of the websites or they request that they aren’t blocked so you can continue to access them. Continue reading Should We Have To Request To Access Porn?

Time To Put A Cork In It Ladies

Time to put a cork in it ladies! However gentlemen… of course, Jizzle on! Here are the BBFC’s plans to push out UK made fetish porn in favour of vanilla. So… for those of you British-produced, porn watchers out there that are not already aware of the new, sexist and somewhat perplexed Audio Media Visual Regulation 2014 prepare yourself for this hopeless, quite comical, attempt to control the countries fetishisms! New regulations came into effect on the 2nd Dec 2014, as instructed by the British Board of Film Classification (BBFC). Continue reading Time To Put A Cork In It Ladies