Tag Archives: migration

Lies, Damn Lies and TORL Statistics – Laura Lee

Following Stormont’s passing into law of Lord Morrow’s prohibitionist measure not so cunningly disguised as saving the victims of trafficking, it’s not surprising that the various anti sex work groups in the Republic have jumped on the back of that. Why, less than twenty four hours after the law came in, the ICI are claiming that this has already resulted in a mass exodus of sex workers across the border. Continue reading Lies, Damn Lies and TORL Statistics – Laura Lee

Calling bullshit on the ICI’s ‘escort immigration’ figures

A tide of decadence is nearing the Republic of Ireland. Doors are being locked, shutters closed and children tucked safely in bed for fear of what is coming: hordes of scantily-clad prostitutes accompanied by a marching army of pimps, the distant sound of hydraulics like a chorus of war drums to the ears of the virtuous. Continue reading Calling bullshit on the ICI’s ‘escort immigration’ figures