When you are setting up your advert, you want to make sure you have plenty of options, giving you the freedom to advertise as you wish. Here at Escort Ireland we want to give you that experience, and this is why we are introducing a new product, the 1 Day Tour!
We tell you what this product is, how it could benefit you, and how you can give your advert a little more flair with some bundles. If you’re eager to get started, choose your bundle now!
If you are curious about the 1 Day Tour, keep reading this article…
What is a 1 Day Tour?
If you have set up a tour before, then you’ll already be familiar with how it works. Previously, tours could last 3 Days, 7 Days, and 30 Days.
Now you can have a 1 Day Tour! This means that, from the set date until the start of the following day, you will enjoy all of the benefits of a 1 Day Tour. So what is a 1 Day Tour?
The 1 Day Tour works in a similar way to the other tours, in that it will last until the start of the next day. It gives you the chance to boost your standing in an area, as it moves your advert back to the 1st position on the homepage, location pages, and search pages.
Why use a 1 Day Tour?
A 1 Day Tour is a great product to use if you want to give your advert a boost. The tour will put your advert in the 1st position on the search pages, location pages, and homepage. This means that you will be one of the first punters see when looking for their dream date.
Your advert is sure to draw their eye, and since you’ll now be in the prime spot, your profile will get more clicks. This means that you are more likely to get more calls about bookings. Perfect for those times when you want to catch the attention of punters in the area.
Sounds pretty tempting, right? Well we’re about to make it even better. Not only can you use 1 Day Tours to give your advert a bump, but we have also created some bundles to give you even more!
Gold and Platinum Bundles
If the 1 Day Tour wasn’t tempting enough for you then you could try one of these bundles. These bundles have been created specifically for the launch of the 1 Day Tour, so you’ll want to get one now.
The 1 Day Gold will give you the 1 Day regular advert, but you’ll also get a 1 Day double advert. What does this mean? Well, you’ll get double the advertising space on the homepage, location pages, and search pages. They say that bigger is better, and it is a great way to draw their attention.
The 1 Day Platinum bundle gives you all the benefits of the 1 Day Gold, but you also get a Top Advert too! A Top Advert means that you are one of the first adverts punters will see. You’ll be in the best position to be seen by potential clients!
Take Advantage Of The Bundles
This new product is a fantastic way to be seen by punters and get more business, and the bundles make it even easier for you to build your client base. You can give your advert the bump it needs and meet more clients in the process. You can try it for yourself choosing your bundle now!
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