Being single is not always that much fun. Yes, the logic is that you can go out and have sex with as many people you want, but really how often does it end up like that?
Most of the time, us guys end up sat at home wondering when we will get our next girlfriend, or going to a club looking for female attention, and having no luck whatsoever, as we stink of desperation. This can lead to us feeling quite down, at least in the short term.
However, not many people go to the lengths of Yang Hu of China. Depressed by his lack of luck getting a girlfriend, Yang, 26, decided it was a good idea to cut off his penis as “he had no use for it.”
Unfortunately, after cycling all the way to hospital, Yang discovered he had left his willy at home. Then, instead of getting an ambulance for the man, the unsympathetic Chinese doctors told him to cycle all the way home to get it, and then cycle back with his member.
Once he got back to the hospital, the doctors realised that they couldn’t reattach his penis, so he is now left without his little friend.
Yang apparently thought that cutting off his willy would stop him thinking of getting a girlfriend. Talk about using a sledgehammer to crack a walnut! Also, did it never occur to him that he may need to urinate out of his penis? Sex isn’t the only thing you do with it for gods sake! There is being down, and then there is being a moron!
Right, we all had a little giggle there, or maybe a huge wince, but in the end, this does raise some quite interesting questions regarding depression and the role of the sex industry.
A Role for Escorts
A lot of people visit escorts, and for many different reasons. One of those reasons is the need that some men have for female companionships when they are alone. Escorts have a real social benefit for some of the lonely of society. The other option is for them to sit around stewing, getting more depressed. Surely this is more damaging to society?
Now I am not saying that if there were escorts in China, Yang Hu wouldn’t have cut off his own penis. There may well be other phycological factors to his story, and this could be just the tip of the iceberg. But it isn’t too much of a stretch to say that company may have helped.
This is something that is deliberately missed by the anti-escorting lobby. And is one of the reason we will keep fighting for the rights of those who choose to be part of the industry.
The final word should really go out to Yang, but in the end, what can you really say?
Sorry mate.
- Celebrating Sexual Health Day: Empowering Choices for a Healthier Life - September 4, 2024
- Singles’ Day: Celebrating Intimacy and Companionship - November 8, 2023
- Get Ready to Celebrate: It’s World Oral Sex Day! - September 6, 2023
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