Sex toys are evolving all the time, and as this evolution occurs, then they become more and more innovative. This can only be a good thing surely?
Take the latest sex aid for women coming out of North Carolina. The device, which is smaller than a pack of cigarettes, uses electrodes attached to the patient's spine to trigger an orgasm on demand via remote control.
Apparently the inventor think this will help people who are unable to achieve orgasm by any other means.
Inspired by a Surgery
North Carolina surgeon Stuart Meloy explained how the idea came about in an interview with the New Scientist. It seemingly jumped out at him whilst performing surgery on a female patient.
“I was placing the electrodes and suddenly the woman started exclaiming emphatically. I asked her what was up and she said, ‘You’re going to have to teach my husband to do that’.”
Meloy thinks his invention will help couples who have been together for a while, but for whom excitement may have drifted out of the relationship.
“If you’ve got a couple who’ve been together for a while and it’s just not happening any more, maybe they’ll get through it a bit easier with this,”
Sounds perfect doesn’t it? Well unfortunately there does seem to be one major drawback. The procedure itself is very invasive, according to Charlotte on CBS.
“During the operation, a patient would remain conscious so that a surgeon could correctly pinpoint the right nerves to fit the electrodes in a patient’s spinal cord. Then, a signal generator would be connected which would be most likely implanted under the skin of a patient’s buttocks.”
To his credit, Meloy acknowledges this and states that it’s as “invasive as a pacemaker, so this is only for extreme cases,”
I seems a little too dangerous for my liking, but if it helps people, then all is well and good. Clinical trials are due to start this year.
Last Resort
Still, this kind of stuff should really be last resort. There are plenty of tips that can help a couples sex life, and many of these can be passed on by one of the Belfast escorts. Why not make a call, make a booking and meet up with one of them?
Beats the hell out of having doctors play around with your spinal cord I’m sure.
What could possibly go wrong there?
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