Escort Ireland is 16 Today!

Escort Ireland is today enjoying it’s 16th birthday, and we feel it truly is something worth celebrating.

Six balloons in the air

Ever since it’s inception, Escort Ireland has revolutionised the escort industry throughout the country. In doing so it has become the home of the escort industry in Ireland.

The question is why has Escort Ireland become so popular?? Why do Irish escorts make this their first port of call when they are advertising?

Easy To Use System

There are a number of reasons for this we feel. Firstly, the website has always been simple to use for both escorts and punters. Our user friendly system makes it easy for guys nationwide to choose which escort they want to see. The more punters who visit a site, the more escorts will advertise there. Consequently more escorts will advertise on the site and the circle continues.

Great Customer Service

Escort Ireland has always prided itself on having fantastic customer service. That’s why we have numerous multi-lingual staff who are always at the end of the telephone. We help escorts with adverts, information changes and many other things. There are certain times you need to be able to speak to a human being and a just dealing with a computer screen won’t do. That is a big benefit we have over our competitors.

Woman putting make-up on in mirror

Escort Safety

The company has always regarded the safety of escorts as paramount. An uncaring institution may well just take the money and just have a laissez-faire attitude to security. However, Escort Ireland is a massive supporter of the Ugly Mug scheme which warns escorts of dodgy and dangerous clients, who have been accused off offences ranging from time wasting to much, much worse.

The Future

We are not going to stop here though. We will continue to improve our website and our customer service. Everything we do is designed to make the experience of visiting our site more enjoyable for escorts and punters alike.

The way we look at it we are still young at the age of 16 yet we have had such an impact. What breakthrough’s can we make in the next 16? Who knows?

What is certain however is that it is certainly an exciting time for the Irish escort industry and we intend to be at the forefront of it!

Martin Ward
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