An interview with Irish Jenny | For the first time in years, we have a new section on our blog! We’ve managed to take some time to interview Escort Ireland’s lovely and popular advertisers, to get to know them on a personal level, and learn more about their experiences.
Sit back, relax and enjoy reading every part of our chat with Irish Jenny!

Good morning beautiful Irish Jenny, nice to have this chat with you.
You’ve only been with us for a few years now, do you want to tell us how did you get into the world of escorting?
To put it simply – debt! I was one of those people who got a mortgage during the ‘Celtic Tiger’ boom years… Banks were literally throwing money at us and all you needed to get a mortgage was to have a pulse. I had a good stable job but fast forward a few years the Recession hits and I got in serious trouble with my mortgage.
I had been thinking about escorting for about a year, I was on the site here and reading as much as I could about it but I was scared to bite the bullet and go through with it. One day I got a letter regarding repossession of my home and in that instant I said to myself “that’s it, I’m going to do it’.
Of course, I was terrified starting off and thought for sure it will just be a short term thing. But once I got to see that clients are just ordinary decent gentlemen I eased into more. I still had my day job but the weight of having financial pressures lifted off me was such a massive relief, I wouldn’t wish the worry and stress of being in trouble with your mortgage on anyone.
After that, I took a career break from my day job to see if I could really make a living from escorting. I found being my own boss, working my own hours and no longer worrying about bills a huge relief. I didn’t miss the rat race, sitting for hours daily in traffic or missing family events due to work commitments. At the end of my career break I resigned, registered as self employed to keep my pension and healthcare going and haven’t looked back since!
Wow, you have determination! Is it difficult to be an escort in your own country?
Yes! This country is far too small and there’s always the worry of opening the door to someone you know, plus most of us Irish have about 20 uncles and 500 cousins scattered around the country so there’s always that worry too!
Do you think that among other reasons, many of your clients seek you out because you are Irish?
That’s the feedback I get from clients, but I’m sure there are also clients who wouldn’t bother with an Irish escort. They probably think I’ve got an Irish woman at home and she wrecks my head, why would I pay for another one!!! 🤣
Irish Jenny, you have an excellent sense of humor and you are like a ray of light in the forum, what other virtues do you think make you special?
Ah, thank you Sav! Well my psychiatrist tells me that I’m special all the time!
I think one of the reasons I get a lot of repeat clients is that I’m chatty & friendly. If a client is nervous I’ll take the time to chat, try to put him at ease. Like most Irish men I’m also big into GAA so I’ll have the craic and banter about whatever county they are from.
Oh and I also do a damn good blowjob!!!!
What is your favorite of the ‘favorite list’ you offer?
I genuinely enjoy anal. It’s definitely an acquired taste, but once I became accustomed to it I found it quite pleasurable. For me it’s the kinkiness, probably due to its lingering taboo, and also for me it’s a submissive act, which I enjoy.
Oh and squirting as well!!! This is something which I never even believed existed! At the ripe old age of 37 I was joyously proven wrong, by a client, no less!! He was a gorgeous younger guy and during the appointment he whispered in my ear “I’m going to make you squirt” and of course I thought to myself ‘yeah, right’ but he actually did! I was stunned when it happened, and a little embarrassed as well. It was like a tsunami and I have absolutely no control over it. It’s not an orgasm for me but it’s an incredibly intense, incredibly pleasurable feeling, and its definitely not pee!!
Unfortunately I canĀ“t make myself squirt (though I’ve had fun trying) so I cant guarantee it to clients who want that specifically but I can instruct them as to what to do!
Would you accept a booking with somebody that you knew personally?
Good God, no!!! I’m not ashamed of what I do but I feel that our sex life is something that should be kept private, escort or not. The stigma of being known to be an escort would affect not just myself but my family also. This is a funny country, it’s perfectly normal to go out, get pissed, not remember how you got home or who’s bed you ended up in. It’s perfectly fine to talk about random Tinder shags, but NOT fine to talk about going for STD checks because, well they are only for dirty people, right?
But to be an escort and have safe, sober, consensual sex in a private environment? Down with that sort of thing!!!
Do clients usually have gifts with you? If so, which one has caught your attention the most?
I never expect or want gifts but it’s common to get flowers or chocolates and which lady doesn’t love those?! I remember once on a busy day a client bringing me my favorite coffee (a plain Americano, no milk hint, hint) and a pastry, it was like heaven as I hadn’t had a chance to get a coffee.
I’ll tell you a funny one though, something I’ve gotten a few times – Tiramisu’s!!!! A lovely client who is a chef brought me a lovely meal and a tiramisu one evening when he finished work. He left a review and in my reply I mentioned the lovely tiramisu he made. Well, I’ve had about three guys since bring me homemade tiramisu since then, with the attitude ‘bet mine is better than his’!!!
I guess some guys take their home cooking very seriously!!
What good advice would you give to any client when they wish to book with you in the near future?
For new clients, call me! I prefer to speak with all new clients first.
Read my profile – if you’re asking me questions that I answer in my profile it annoys me and makes me think you’re not serious about a booking.
Do NOT call asking me when I’m coming to your county, this drives me nuts, “I DON’T KNOW” is the answer! I know where I am this week, when I know where I’ll be next week, it’ll be on my profile!
I prefer clients to shower on arrival, though if you tell me you showered 20 mins ago at home that’s fine too.
Be on time or if you can’t make it please text to let me know, and please follow directions precisely and discreetly. Arriving with your hood pulled up or in a baseball cap and a mask IS NOT BEING DISCREET!!!
Most importantly, on arrival just relax and enjoy. Don’t be shy to tell me how you’d like the meeting to go!
So what do you get up to in your spare time when you are not advertising?
I’d love to lie and tell you something really interesting and exciting like shark diving… But no, the truth is that it doesn’t take much to keep me happy. I’m an avid book reader, cinema goer, love cooking and eating out. I love old British comedies like Faulty Towers, Only Fools and Horses, Keeping up Appearances. I’m GAA obsessed and love going to club and county games but any chance I get to go to Croke park I’ll go, no matter who is playing. I’m from a footballing county but I love the hurling too!
In which outfit do you feel most sexy?
My black lingerie, suspenders, stockings and heel. As my clients know, I’m a bit obsessed with pearls, I have a huge collection of pearl necklaces and earrings, they make me feel elegant whilst being kinky too! 😜
Want to meet Irish Jenny?
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