Treat Porn Addiction With Naked Therapy?

Views on porn addiction tend to be extremely mixed. Some believe that there is no such thing, and that it is just because porn is so accessible that people crave it. Others feel that slowly weaning someone from it is the best solution. One woman believes that she has the best solution – she strips naked for them.
Woman's legs in air

Stripping off

Sarah White, 28, believes that being naked is the best way to start the therapy. Being naked isn’t an issue, which she claims creates “an immediate sense of intimacy, openness, and trust”. This trust means that her clients are more willing to discuss their personal problems and intimacy issues.

Develops Trust

“My willingness to undress for them is a sign that I trust them and that I won’t judge them,” Ms. White said in a recent interview. She allows her clients to become aroused by her body and masturbate in front of her, making them more relaxed. The intimacy of it also makes them much more willing and open to facing the issue head on.

Is it ethical?

Sex, porn, and masturbating are very taboo subjects, so it is hardly surprising that some people are already confronting White’s unusual methods. They believe them to be very unethical, as they put both herself and the client in a vulnerable position.

Some of the critics have also highlighted the fact that, rather than having studied psychology, she studied dance and biology. This means she is not allowed to practice psychotherapy in the U.S., as she lacks the proper professional credentials.

Would it even work?

The idea of stripping down for a stranger and beating one off in front of them sounds really bizarre, and I’m not sure I’d want to discuss any of my problems when I’m already so exposed. What do you think? Is naked therapy the way to go?

Martin Ward
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