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Thread: Lifespan??

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2006


    3 pervert bosses - is there a link between sex drive and power - or when u have power do u become more interested in sex - unlike u guys i actually work - but yor collective positions now explains to me how people can be posting during normal work hours-

    to original point by anon - really caught my interest - i looked at dates of members online when i read ur post and found that i was a comparative veteran - joined sep 2006- only guy online at the time was 'pookii'? by 1 single day here longer than i.

    so speaking as a surprised veteran 95% do come hang around for a while and bugger off fairly lively - then u have the real stayers - not including the girls themselves.

    you get forum bosses then (post non stop it appears) but even they fuck off after a few months. i suppose it gets bit dull after a wee while- this last week has certainly been one of the more exciting that i have seen

    btw i am over on the other site too just as long-

    you should pop over and have a look at some of the threads involving your regulars here -quite interesting i think u shall find

    hope ye hang around for a while as i think the current crop is actually more 'interesting' than previous generations and chat is certainly lively at the moment

    yours, a real veteran !

  2. #12
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by alechoran View Post
    but yor collective positions now explains to me how people can be posting during normal work hours-

    you should pop over and have a look at some of the threads involving your regulars here -quite interesting i think u shall find

    High Alec,

    I myself have never ever had normal working hours, In the Forestry I come and go, if I only cut on tonne or the normal 10 to 15 tonne a day, that’s what I’ll be paid for, its my choice, In the summer I’ll head of maybe 5 in the morning and put in a long day, maybe 8 at night and then take the next day off and go on a trawler that day, or potter around here and do a few things, flexibility and freedom are my watchwords. I hate to be pegged down, even my only job where I was not the boss, I had huge freedom as regards hours, I had two weeks of every month, best job I ever had, but not being the boss got to me after a while.

    As regards the other site I signed up to it (not this username) out of curiosity, not been there in any great depth, have seen Highway alright, (Rock of sense as always) but not others, are you under the same username, I did not contribute a single syllable there as yet (yeah right says ye) its true, I don’t find it as interesting or as navigable as here.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Quarterpoundher View Post
    High Alec,

    I myself have never ever had normal working hours, In the Forestry I come and go, if I only cut on tonne or the normal 10 to 15 tonne a day, that’s what I’ll be paid for, its my choice, In the summer I’ll head of maybe 5 in the morning and put in a long day, maybe 8 at night and then take the next day off and go on a trawler that day, or potter around here and do a few things, flexibility and freedom are my watchwords. I hate to be pegged down, even my only job where I was not the boss, I had huge freedom as regards hours, I had two weeks of every month, best job I ever had, but not being the boss got to me after a while.

    As regards the other site I signed up to it (not this username) out of curiosity, not been there in any great depth, have seen Highway alright, (Rock of sense as always) but not others, are you under the same username, I did not contribute a single syllable there as yet (yeah right says ye) its true, I don’t find it as interesting or as navigable as here.

    'he's a lumberjack and he's OK'

    yeah im alec over there too - cant remember last time i posted. if something takes my interest i get involved but mostly just like to read what my fellow punters are up to.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Default anyone for a meet?

    funny thing about this forum is the chances of any of us ever meeting up for drinks or forming any friendships is pretty much zero i'd imagine. i know i was on other forums where this happened. was music related and i did meet people at gigs. can't imagine meeting anyone here and swapping escort notes over a few jars.

  5. #15
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    May 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by wonderbouy1975 View Post
    funny thing about this forum is the chances of any of us ever meeting up for drinks or forming any friendships is pretty much zero i'd imagine. i know i was on other forums where this happened. was music related and i did meet people at gigs. can't imagine meeting anyone here and swapping escort notes over a few jars.
    And did u meet ME? Yesterday??

  6. #16
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Hi Rick yes we'll need to get an electronic engineer to start digging. A few of the computer experts here might muck in.

    Hi QPH thanks for those kind words. What's your username over there? You should post something. It's been a bit quiet over there recently. Theres not that much interesting happening there. Theres quiet a few members from here who are also over there such as Alec and Ber. It's like a full time job jumping from one site to another.I find this forum has better topics. Theres a few shit stirrers over there. If you post something that's not escort related they act childlish and start winding people up. Those are the types who don't post their own topics but reply to everything just to make the poster look stupid. I'm all for a bit of messing around but they go too far. If you put up a poll they says it's pointless and insult everyone who doesn't agree with them. Whenever an escort has a new idea like an auction they keep berrating them. These are the original members and want it all to themselves. But I enjoy annoying them. About been a captain of industry, well I have to have a cover nobody can know I'm the Randy Highwayman.
    Help Keyla in her fight with cancer. Every little helps.
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  7. #17
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    May 2008


    Wonderbouy, I suppose your right the chances of people from here meeting up would be zero. Especially married or people in relationships.
    Help Keyla in her fight with cancer. Every little helps.
    It could happen to any of us.

  8. #18
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    May 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by thehighwayman View Post
    Hi Rick yes we'll need to get an electronic engineer to start digging. A few of the computer experts here might muck in.

    Hi QPH thanks for those kind words. What's your username over there? You should post something. It's been a bit quiet over there recently. Theres not that much interesting happening there. Theres quiet a few members from here who are also over there such as Alec and Ber. It's like a full time job jumping from one site to another.I find this forum has better topics. Theres a few shit stirrers over there. If you post something that's not escort related they act childlish and start winding people up. Those are the types who don't post their own topics but reply to everything just to make the poster look stupid. I'm all for a bit of messing around but they go too far. If you put up a poll they says it's pointless and insult everyone who doesn't agree with them. Whenever an escort has a new idea like an auction they keep berrating them. These are the original members and want it all to themselves. But I enjoy annoying them. About been a captain of industry, well I have to have a cover nobody can know I'm the Randy Highwayman.
    I’ll keep my powder dry on that Highway. I might drop a bomb in there sometime, all the things you say I’ve noticed, I wouldn’t have the patience for that school yard rubbish, I mean take your thread on Private Dicks, its nothing to do with Escorting, but it’s a harmless bit of banter and where’s the harm in it, you'd be hammered for it there I think, they are way to fixated on sex over there, (I know that sounds stupid but you know what I mean) take 5 for feck sake, its supposed to be fun, not an open university course. You’re the only person I spotted from here, and I have to say your towering over them in terms of actually being an adult about things.

    I also actually feel like head master is breathing over your neck ready to cane the slightest deviation, things are much freer here

    Also some are VERY hostile to the idea of an Escort throwing anything into the pot for discussion, they have raptor like instincts to band together, that says a lot for some of their testicular fortitude if they can’t tolerate the idea of debating something of note or even just something lighthearted, nothing should be of the table, big or small, Escorting related or not,

    My computer works even less effectively there as it does here also, but all in all not a great place, and if I arrived there before here, my opinions would not have changed, only hardened, maybe I’ll go toe to toe with you sometime, but my writing style would signpost me a mile of.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Brenda Beauty Bitch View Post
    And did u meet ME? Yesterday??

    well im sure if i offered to pay anybody on this site €250 to meet me for a chat for one hour they'd jump at the chance. and im sure you won't meet me for free either bbb. point being that this isn't exactly the forum where you are going to expand your social circle.
    Last edited by bhoywonder; 18-07-08 at 19:40.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Yes QPH it's a bit like a headmaster standing over me over there. Your right theres more freedom here. You can curse if you want here and talk about anything you want. The private dick thing wouldn't go down well over there I'm sure. Theres only so much you can talk about sex and escorts. It would be stupid going over the same material over and over again. I've been a member there for more than 3 and a half years so I know all I need to know about escorting. I'll pass on my knowledge to new punters when the need arises. But it's good to talk about a variety of subjects. There was a time there were very interesting topics but these ones are stopping people from doing that By constently interupting. When an escort has an opinion it's as if to say why should she have an opinion. There are plenty good members there too but their all quiet recently.I must say though the review system over there is great and been very helpful to me through the users. And also I choose all my escorts from there as their all verified by the staff. From an escorting point of view it does everything I need. It also has a chatroom which is pretty good at times. The only thing letting down at the moment is the forum. I came over here to try it for a few weeks and I'm still here 2 months later. I thought it would be something similar or worse considering the reputation this place has. I feel more at home here with members such as yourself and others.
    Help Keyla in her fight with cancer. Every little helps.
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