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Thread: Lifespan??

  1. #21

    Default nedrix

    Quote Originally Posted by nedrix View Post
    I seem to loose interest after I spend 300 euro on a girl but when I get more money I start looking on the message board to see what's going on and who is around. I definitly agree it is very addictive.
    When did you ever spend 300€ on a girl. Maybe you spent that on text messages begging girls to send you photos of themselves.... cum on be honest. A guy that can't even drive

  2. #22
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Default Home is where the Heart is...

    Quote Originally Posted by thehighwayman View Post
    Yes QPH it's a bit like a headmaster standing over me over there. Your right theres more freedom here. You can curse if you want here and talk about anything you want. The private dick thing wouldn't go down well over there I'm sure. Theres only so much you can talk about sex and escorts. It would be stupid going over the same material over and over again. I've been a member there for more than 3 and a half years so I know all I need to know about escorting. I'll pass on my knowledge to new punters when the need arises. But it's good to talk about a variety of subjects. There was a time there were very interesting topics but these ones are stopping people from doing that By constently interupting. When an escort has an opinion it's as if to say why should she have an opinion. There are plenty good members there too but their all quiet recently.I must say though the review system over there is great and been very helpful to me through the users. And also I choose all my escorts from there as their all verified by the staff. From an escorting point of view it does everything I need. It also has a chatroom which is pretty good at times. The only thing letting down at the moment is the forum. I came over here to try it for a few weeks and I'm still here 2 months later. I thought it would be something similar or worse considering the reputation this place has. I feel more at home here with members such as yourself and others.
    Interesting what you say about review's/veritified pics being more reliable over there, coming from you, I believe it as you’re a straight shooter and I thrust your opinion on things. I was only in the forum side of things there and found that poor and assumed from the low caliber of poster, and attitude to Women (in the main, not all of them) that reviews would also reflect that rather xenophobic and I have to say chauvinistic vibe that hangs in the air there. An open and welcoming to all forum (until proven unworthy of it)is a very important thing as it shows the Human side of things from both sides and not just a collection of adds and rates and stuff, that would be very cold and clinical and have a production line grayness to it. And I’ve learned a lot here and also like a lot of people from both sides, and you can’t do that without a healthy forum.

    I wonder what they do on the pic verification front that is different to here that gives you that confidence in there validity.

    Can I ask of you who you feel are the village idiots there and the decent ones, and I wonder is there an equivalent Bigpaws, Westside, dare I say a flypan type buzzing around, or even god forbid a non punter Qph type. I might let loose my alter ego on them something for the crack and rattle a few cages.

    Why don’t every one here log on there under a diiferent username and say nothing until a gobs**t and cohorts picks on an Escort and then we all let fly from all directions at once, they wouldn’t know what hit em. Kinda like the phenomena of flash party’s, appear out of nowhere and disappear as fast.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Wink Over the wall

    Quote Originally Posted by Quarterpoundher View Post
    Interesting what you say about review's/veritified pics being more reliable over there, coming from you, I believe it as you’re a straight shooter and I thrust your opinion on things. I was only in the forum side of things there and found that poor and assumed from the low caliber of poster, and attitude to Women (in the main, not all of them) that reviews would also reflect that rather xenophobic and I have to say chauvinistic vibe that hangs in the air there. An open and welcoming to all forum (until proven unworthy of it)is a very important thing as it shows the Human side of things from both sides and not just a collection of adds and rates and stuff, that would be very cold and clinical and have a production line grayness to it. And I’ve learned a lot here and also like a lot of people from both sides, and you can’t do that without a healthy forum.

    I wonder what they do on the pic verification front that is different to here that gives you that confidence in there validity.

    Can I ask of you who you feel are the village idiots there and the decent ones, and I wonder is there an equivalent Bigpaws, Westside, dare I say a flypan type buzzing around, or even god forbid a non punter Qph type. I might let loose my alter ego on them something for the crack and rattle a few cages.

    Why don’t every one here log on there under a diiferent username and say nothing until a gobs**t and cohorts picks on an Escort and then we all let fly from all directions at once, they wouldn’t know what hit em. Kinda like the phenomena of flash party’s, appear out of nowhere and disappear as fast.
    I actually am a member of that other site QPH ................ a banned member!!! It took 23 hours before they banned me ............. I really thought it would take less time before being banned, seriously.

    The validity of the pics are much more accurate over there because the owners are more heavily (and illegally) involved in prostitution.
    The reviews are far more reliable in general over there too as the escorts can't opt out of the review system which can only be a good thing.

    West is over there too but he really only posts there when things get too much for him here!!!


    ps Over-all the other site is a pile of shite run by Nazi's and filled with arseholes ........... just forgot to mention that!!!
    Gone ........... and forgotten?

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigpaws View Post
    I actually am a member of that other site QPH ................ a banned member!!! It took 23 hours before they banned me ............. I really thought it would take less time before being banned, seriously.

    The validity of the pics are much more accurate over there because the owners are more heavily (and illegally) involved in prostitution.
    The reviews are far more reliable in general over there too as the escorts can't opt out of the review system which can only be a good thing.

    West is over there too but he really only posts there when things get too much for him here!!!


    ps Over-all the other site is a pile of shite run by Nazi's and filled with arseholes ........... just forgot to mention that!!!
    Paws…..You just HAVE to tell me what you did to get banned after 23 hours, my jaw literally dropped when I read that, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell all.

    What you say about reasons for pics all being verified is worrying, do you mean the site is owned by an actual Pimp or Pimps, and does that mean that Escorts have to physically call to there office to verify pics, and are maybe coerced in some way. I had been of the opinion that calling in person to the office of an Escort site was a good thing and an easy solution to validity issues, but on reading that I’ve changed my mind.

  5. #25
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    May 2008


    I couldn't tell you how the pictures are verified. They seem to be very thorough about this. When a client reports a girls picture on her profile isn't hers, they investigate it. If she's proved to be guilty she'll be banned. That gives me confidence in the girls been genuine as they don't allow just anyone to advertise. I don't know about them about been illegally involved in prostitution. I've heard the same claims about this site. But in saying that they don't allow agency girls to advertise as independents.

    Prostitution is never mentions such as street girls. I've seen enough to believe it's run for the right reasons and nothing illegal happening. There aren't as many escorts as here which means they can be more thorough. I'm not saying it's water tight but it's as good as you would want. I'm sure a few pimps or agencies have them fooled. I'm always suspicious of east european or south american girls not been independent especially coming from poorer countries. I tend to go for escorts who have been here for a while and have good reviews. I do trust the reviews. It's not only some of the idiots there that post. There are plenty decent members over there. You just don't see them that much these days.

    Theres a small group of guys who are established clients. I'm an established client by the way. Theres a few of these fellows who are the shit stirrers. I haven't suspected anyone over there been a pimp. Their just memebers who have been there a long time and wishing it was the way it was before everyone else interupted the little group. I'll tell you something established client means nothing as most of them are assholes and childish.

    The decent ones are Chairman, Piggi, Funtimes and Buckfast Monk and some others I can't remember as it's that long since I saw them. The village idiots are Amusablcashew(westside/flypan combined) Frank J who drags a quote from the archives to shut someone he does't agree with, I suppose he could be the bigpaws equivelant and Haras321 similar to amusablecashew but a little smarter, not much though. Theres a few others like papasmurf and sexonwheels who don't be on it that much these days. But seem to mysteriously surface when theres a hot topic.

    Get into position guys and do the SAS style raid on them. They won't know what him them especially if Jim Duggan comes along. We could get Anon to disable their server. QPH can write a 10 page post. Rick Flair could put up a few polls. If Westsides over there already under another name we could have a traitor in our midst. I'll be labelled a traitor for jumping ships. But I'm staying on both of them. As Tom Petty would say I won't back down.
    Help Keyla in her fight with cancer. Every little helps.
    It could happen to any of us.

  6. #26
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    Default This Post will self distruct in 5 4 3 2……

    Quote Originally Posted by thehighwayman View Post
    Get into position guys and do the SAS style raid on them. They won't know what him them especially if Jim Duggan comes along. We could get Anon to disable their server. QPH can write a 10 page post. Rick Flair could put up a few polls. If Westsides over there already under another name we could have a traitor in our midst. I'll be labelled a traitor for jumping ships. But I'm staying on both of them. As Tom Petty would say I won't back down.

    Ok heres the Plan…

    Jim, you’re on point, come out swingin’

    Anon you’re electronic warfare, jam their signals

    Carlos, guerilla and urban warfare tactics obviously,

    Paws, want you behind enemy lines organizing the resistance.

    Highway, take black bess and out flank on the left

    Alexi D, Hand to hand combat and wrestling and if all else fails, tickle them to death with those feathers… (what a way to go )

    Beauty Bitch….your in charge of Phyops (Psychological Warfare)

    Famous Isabel, Not sure what you should do except look awfully good in those jeans. Levi Strauss can die a happy man…

    West, not sure where your loyalties lie, you may be a fifth columnist, so given your powerlifting experience I’m putting you in charge of logistics, keep that ammo coming.

    I’ll distract them with a ten pager

    Flypan…………….never mind, go back to sleep…

    Cry Havoc and let slip the dogs of War…

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Jan 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by anon163 View Post
    I've been reflecting on my experiences on this site and to be honest the fact I'm becoming a little addicted and while doing so I thought of all the recent arrivals that seem to be the most predominant posters obviously with exceptions, no need for names.
    That led me to think of all those that must have come before us newbie’s, where are they, is there allot of people that come, be very active for a while and one day just fade away, should I expect the same faith, what’s my chances 50/50?
    Just initial thoughts and I'm sure any following posts will add some more to be reflected on!!
    im on this site every single day except for a few days last christmas or go away 4 a few days

  8. #28
    Join Date
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    And you're some lad for pulling up the old threads..........

    I started looking over a few threads today without looking at the dates and a for a minute there I was thinking there's a few names from the post popping up and posting again...........
    "It's far easier to fight for principles than to live up to them."

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