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Escort of the month - April 2015

Irish Leigha - Escort of the Month for April 2015
Is it that time to announce the winner for the Escort of the month again?! With each new month comes an new winner for the Escort of the Month Competition, and this month we have someone who has won it for the second time this year. This Irish beauty just grabbed the first place with 10 points in total! So, without further ado, let us get congratulating Miss April 2015, Irish Leigha! We all know that Ireland is one of the most beautiful countries there is, and it is fair to say, Leigha is one of the sexiest ladies to come out of it. Another huge well done to you, Irish Leigha Ireland seems to love you so much. You really do add something special to our website
Irish Leigha became Escort of the Month by reading the rules