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Escort of the month - November 2013

Rachel Divine  - Escort of the Month for November 2013

Well, this month we have a returning Escort of the Month Competition Winner! She took the title in February earlier this year, December of 2012 and February 2011! She is the E-I Marmite; people either love her or hate her, but one thing is for certain, after being FOURTH time winner since the competition began running, she is obviously doing a grand job of looking after her clients! Hot-headed, yet passionate, this month's winner certainly knows how to push the 'right' buttons, whether it is right or wrong, and more than often gives the posters of E-I something to chat (or complain!) about! I'm sure by now she needs no introduction, so let us congratulate (I'll get a bottle on the way home for some extra moderating), the very lovely, the very controversial, Miss Rachel Divine!!!

Rachel Divine became Escort of the Month by reading the rules