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Escort of the month - October 2010

Alex Irish - Escort of the Month for October 2010

Ladies and Gentlemen, it's now time to declare the October 2010 winner of Escort of the Month so... the winner is... Alex (Irish) OK its now official, Alex is the 2nd Escort to win Escort of the Month 3 times but she is also the first Escort to win 3 times in the same year. This lady seems to consistantly impress reviewers and is clearly a lady a cut well above the rest. Its gets better and better for her all round and I wish her and her clients to continue having a great time. Well done Alex. So Alex is the winner and is now Miss October E-I 2010, Miss August E-I 2010 and Miss June E-I 2010and the winner of a months free advertising on E-I. Congrats Alex. Xxx

Alex Irish became Escort of the Month by reading the rules