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  1. Deferring Gratification

    Many times in life I have lacked patience in my desire to accumulate certain things and preferred the 'give it to me now' route. As I have become older as we all do I see the benefit of waiting until the time is right and then appreciating what I get. For example I do not borrow money anymore from banks or anywhere else as if I cannot afford to buy something I will wait until I can and feel much better for the delay. This does take a level of self control and will power as many times the temptation ...
  2. Multitasking

    Have to admit I am totally useless at multitasking. For some reason when I am doing anything it needs my full attention and this applies to almost everything in my life. For example when I am on the computer I do not generally play music or do other things I am simply operating the computer. When I drive the car that's what I do. No music or other distractions I focus on the task in hand. This used to be a major problem with a former partner as she became so annoyed when I was working on the ...
  3. Moving on in life

    The first of my daughters has got engaged today just got me thinking on how life just has a way of continuing on regardless . A new milestone in mine .The joy we can share in other peoples lives and how important family really matters : doc
  4. St Stephens day

    To all finally got finished in work let the party begin . Happy St Stephens day one and all : doc
  5. Boxing Day Joke

    Boxing Day Joke - A Seat In the Stand?

    Lance and Jimmy were fortunate in that they each had a season ticket to watch Manchester United. However, they had a friend Eddie who would give is right arm for season ticket. They could not help noticing that there was always a spare seat (L39) next to theirs.

    One half-time Lance went to the ticket office and asked if they could by buy the season ticket for L39. The club official said that unfortunately the seat had been ...