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Have to admit I am totally useless at multitasking. For some reason when I am doing anything it needs my full attention and this applies to almost everything in my life. For example when I am on the computer I do not generally play music or do other things I am simply operating the computer. When I drive the car that's what I do. No music or other distractions I focus on the task in hand. This used to be a major problem with a former partner as she became so annoyed when I was working on the computer and she could have been talking to me for ages and what she was saying simply didn't register with me as too focused. On the other hand she could drive listen to the music blaring, operate the computer and do lots of things at once and achieved the same results. Have heard it said somewhere that women are better at multitasking than men. I wonder how true that is?


  1. dr love's Avatar
    That's just selective hearing us men have magicalman : doc
  2. magicalman9357's Avatar
    Very good point doc and I do tend to switch off at times lol :)
  3. Sam Spade's Avatar
    I know where you are coming from Magic - Some say only ladies are multi-tasking!

    By the way, the only reason I no longer play music when working on the computer is so I can hear my wife before she walks into the office!
    Things we have to do while 'working' on this site.

    Don't tell anyone, she did walk in a while ago asking what I was doing.
    Just told her I was on a 'networking' site, like her 'farmfille'.

    She didn't believe me, but thats another story!
  4. magicalman9357's Avatar
    Very good Mark and I have the same problem at times but can always think up some good reason just like yourself. :)
  5. 10inchesandcounting's Avatar
    It has been said (with merit or not) that multitasking in fact makes you dummer.
    one starts many things but is unable to do or finish one properly.
  6. magicalman9357's Avatar
    Glad you said that 10inchesandcounting as I was becoming just a little bit worried and totally agree with you. :)