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  1. Miss July E-I 2011

    Miss JuLY E-I 2011
    Welcome to the E-I Escort of the Month Blog. Every month I post the current top list of escorts in the running for Escort of the Month with its winner.

    The current Miss June E-I 2011 is Alice

    Here are the results in the race for Miss July 2011 (which is points based on ...
  2. *my passion*

    for all the people who wanna findout more about me....i like to do this
    Attachment 48339
  3. Miss November E-I 2011

    Miss November E-I 2011
    Welcome to the E-I Escort of the Month Blog. Every month I post the current top list of escorts in the running for Escort of the Month with its winner.

    The current Miss October Winners for 2011 are Nikole
    Irish Ciara ...

    Updated 05-11-11 at 01:15 by RicFlair

  4. Apology for neglecting my lucky Irish boys

    It's been a long time since I lasted visited in August and alsorts of things have been going on.

    My life is very full and sometimes I think I must be mad for the amount I try to fit into it, but hey life is for living right?

    So... what have I been doing?

    Well since January of last year I have been learning the skill of Millinery and since my tutor lives in London I have been going back and fourth there every 2 months or so to learn new skills and top ...
    Tags: dublin
  5. Professional photos or amateur?

    It's come to my attention from reading the forums (not just here, but generally) that the guys complain bitterly when they see a photoshopped picture, especially after they have seen a lady who doesn't look as good as her pictures. This seems to be a constant topic of conversation, with pictures being brought up almost on a daily basis for discussion.

    However, at the same time the pictures that you adore and praise are generally pictures that have been taken by a professional photographer. ...
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