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Curvaceous Kate's meandering thoughts!

Professional photos or amateur?

Rating: 8 votes, 2.00 average.
It's come to my attention from reading the forums (not just here, but generally) that the guys complain bitterly when they see a photoshopped picture, especially after they have seen a lady who doesn't look as good as her pictures. This seems to be a constant topic of conversation, with pictures being brought up almost on a daily basis for discussion.

However, at the same time the pictures that you adore and praise are generally pictures that have been taken by a professional photographer. They are beautiful pictures, but generally taken in artificial settings and are often professionally edited to some degree. (This is not aimed at anyone in particular, as most ladies on E-I seem to use profession photographers)

Now... I have never used a professional photographer and in all honesty this has partly been due to not wanting to ever meet someone who is disappointed with what they see when they open that door. I want them to come to me, because they like the way I look naturally and know what they are getting from the off, but... I am starting to change my mind. I'm now starting to think that despite the fact that I do get attention based on my personality, that my pictures are actually letting me down.

I did recently while discussing my pics with a friend, say that maybe I should ditch my photographer (jokingly since I am the photographer) and sadly they whole heartedly agreed. So... I'm at a quandry as what to do, because I still hate the idea of not living up to someones expectations, because I've had my legs smoothed out digitally or whatever else it is that is letting me down photographically. I don't want to be thought of a as a yummy mummy, as I know that is not who I am, especially in the bedroom, but that seems to be what people are seeing.

Should I just change my poses? put more consideration into what I wear? Is it a matter of less is more? Or... is the reality that professional photographs in a posh hotel is the only way forward?

I should probably state at this point that this is not about my work, as I do get plenty, so it's a little more about self esteem and how I want people to portray me. My image, I suppose is what I'm saying. I'm also not looking for sympathy. Let's call it a customer survey? As a professional business woman, I want to know if it is best to be natural or enhance myself with a photographer's skills?

All thoughts appreciated.


  1. dr love's Avatar
    As with all business one trys to portray the best image ,but when a escort over does the photoshop on her profile it can and does have the opposite effect .
    I wonder how many clients would look naked and not be tempted to enhance themselves if it was the other way around .
    For me the correct suductive poses and not to much photo shop and a escort can't go wrong .: doc
  2. Curvaceous Kate's Avatar
    What are the correct suductive poses? It's very hard to get into that 'zone' when on your own.
  3. dr love's Avatar
    Hair flowing down the back , the sexy gaze with the eyes slightly turned looking away ,arched back and buttocks showing but also has the client thinking mmmmmm, I'll have to see that in the flesh .
    Just my humble opinion .: doc
  4. Curvaceous Kate's Avatar
    I appreciate it dr love. Sadly I can't show my face any more than I already am and that will be coming down soon. A friend has sent me some links with some classic poses on it, so I may see if it is possible to take pics DIY style in those poses. I could do with a wall to wall mirrored room to take them, so I can see what I'm doing lol.
  5. dr love's Avatar
    For what's it worth though Kate , you have a very good persona on boards here ,
    which will only add to what pics you do eventually use .: doc