Quote Originally Posted by IAmLIAm View Post
It's not just the pictures, the verbage gives a bit of insight as well and to some degree so do reviews (where applicable).
I've often questioned whether many advertisers even write their own profile descriptions? Or whether they're working off some kind of pre-prepared template?
Cause obviously the wording in several profiles is almost identical.

Reviews....... that's the one that can really baffle me, cause for enhanced picture they have so many five stars on "accuracy of image".
And the ones that second guess the advertisers appearance have the usual response, "look at all my reviews, no one questions my appearance but you" or, "all ladies use enhanced pictures" etc etc.

Quote Originally Posted by IAmLIAm View Post
The guys who base a visit primarily off the looks and finding somewhere warm and wet for 15min probably don't care too much about the personality anyway.
I doubt it. Personality is basically your roadmap for how an appointment will play out. Oftentimes, for me at least, it's basically predictable how the advertiser and I will "get on", based on her pictures.

EXCEPT when photoshop is used. By which time your in her apartment and she has the other gambit of tricks to deploy.

Quote Originally Posted by IAmLIAm View Post
I feel like guys who are active on forums typically fall into the first group, as it's a level of investment slightly more than just the money.

But a SP blurring their face or covering identifiers doesn't seem such an egregious act to me, so I'm not quite onboard with a full ban.
Blurring a face? To me that evens itself out cause that will be a natural turn off for a lot of clients. I don't really consider that photoshop in the usual sense.

Except where girls photoshop their face and THEN blur it....... lol. Which is just another means of plausible deniability.

Tattoos? I find it's often the advertisers that want to present as "bad girls" that get them in the first place.
If they went to the time and effort of getting tattoos and embracing that personality, then why go to so much additional trouble using photo shop pretending to be "sweet looking angels"?

I came here to mention something else entirely......