Quote Originally Posted by corkpunter View Post
Huh? Please elaborate on your second sentence. Are you saying that noone is speaking latin and ancient greek today or that there has never been any use for latin and ancient greek or nothing has ever evolved from those languages?
I was made to learn Latin at school, (does come in handy with biological classification !). English is only a real melting pot of all sorts of languages, Greek, Latin, Norse etc. and your right the English, Dutch, Spanish were good at forcing their own language on the 'natives'. If I had suggested learning Mandarin when I was at school I would have been laughed at,(or worse) yet that may well be the most spoken language. I,ve hardly heard Irish spoken in the ten years I've been here. There was a programme on TG4, in which, I think it was Manchan Magan went round Ireland only speaking Irish, he met very few people who could hold a conversation with him