Quote Originally Posted by InsidiousCid View Post
That's the point my dude. As many have shared their point of view on, attitude, personality, these are the things that really determine connectivity in, and enjoyment of an appointment.

Photoshop can conceal quite expertly the genuine nature of a service provider in these areas.

I think professional photoshoots are awesome.

It's the enhancements done on computer apps after the fact that I'm not thrilled about.
I do understand the thought that a SP who goes to great lengths to over Photoshop their pictures may not possess the qualities you are looking for to fully enjoy the appointment.

However, I feel most of us that are looking for more than just the aesthetic of a SP already have (or quickly learn to have) a bit of an eye for this when looking at an advert. It's not just the pictures, the verbage gives a bit of insight as well and to some degree so do reviews (where applicable).

The guys who base a visit primarily off the looks and finding somewhere warm and wet for 15min probably don't care too much about the personality anyway.

I feel like guys who are active on forums typically fall into the first group, as it's a level of investment slightly more than just the money.

Guys from the second group show up in forums occasionally to complain that a girl doesn't look like her pics because she doesn't have tan lines (even though it's winter and the pics are 4mo old) or she's changed her hair (when the profile states that she's gone back to her natural color).

Overall i agree that the over use of Photoshop (in this industry and others) has been a detriment to the consumer. I can understand the frustration with the practice (especially if you've been "fooled" or are having a hard time finding a suitable SP to spend some time with). But a SP blurring their face or covering identifiers doesn't seem such an egregious act to me, so I'm not quite onboard with a full ban.