Hi all

Just into the house after a 1 1/2 60 mile roundtrip for a meeting which didn’t take place, wanted to see if this had happened to others and have a bit of a pity party.

So yesterday I noticed a girl advertising in a location nearby. I had previously met the girl 4-5 months ago and this was her first time back since then. This girl sets clear and exact instructions on how to arrange a meet. She doesn’t respond to texts like “are you free” but she is really good at her job and totally worth following her rules to set up the appointment.

I followed her instructions and arranged a 2 hour appointment for this afternoon. She requests that I send a confirmation text 30-40 minutes prior to the agreed time. With the anticipation building, I even set an alarm on my phone to remind me to send the confirmation as agreed (not that I needed reminding!) the location is about an hours drive from me so I’m already on the road when I send the text.

15 minutes prior to appointment, just as I’m arriving at a nearby car park, I get a message from the girl thanking me for wasting her time. I reply with a question mark, and a 2nd message saying I sent confirmation as agreed, she sends me a message back saying she only got my confirmation text a minute ago. I send a screenshot of my messages, showing my text sent at the correct time, she sends me back a screenshot showing my message on her phone, received 22 minutes after I sent it. The girl accuses me of wasting her time and gives me both barrels for doing so. She genuinely thinks I sent the message late, but I know it was sent on time and can’t convince her otherwise.

Normally I would just chalk it down to experience and make an appointment with someone else, but this girl is one of the best around, plus I had been looking forward to the meeting since arrangements were made nearly 24 hours prior.

Also I realise that the chances of any future meetings with the girl in question are buggered now too.

Has anyone else here been in the same situation as I find myself in and how did they handle it?