Quote Originally Posted by StevB View Post
Enoch Burke case needs to be sorted out by a competent social-worker, not the courts.
Problem is, "competent social-worker"? Where could we find one of them?
I’m not sure what a social worker can contribute here. If dealing with rational actors I would suggest mediation but the Burkes are not rational actors.

Someone mentioned them being on the spectrum. I’ve a lot of personal experience in the area and regular interactions with people in the sector professionally. The Burkes come up quite a bit amongst professionals in the area when talking socially. Most preface their remarks by saying they couldn’t state definitively without meeting in person but I think the split is fairly even as to whether they are or not significantly neurodivergent. A senior psychiatrist who is the sister of my closest friend told me they had all the lack of social skills common in high functioning people on the spectrum but that they seemed to have almost no empathy at all for anyone outside their circle that would be considered unusual.

It’s hard to see how this ends. Its a horrible waste of state resources, court time and whether they realise or not is destroying the Burke children.