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Thread: Israel

  1. #31


    Quote Originally Posted by Rachel Divine View Post
    Politics is the worse thing happening to the world.

    Heard on tv: ''intelligence didn't know'' - hell, they knew, let it happen to have an excuse, is what I thought.

    That's exactly what I was thinking. It's impossible for Mossad not to have known; they knew and were waiting

    They knew and waited to have a reason for what would follow. Now, they have all the reasons to erase Palestine from the map.
    Last edited by FetishCherry; 09-10-23 at 09:25.
    Always Smile

  2. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Airbusdriver View Post
    The attack by Hamas is shocking and sickening. To drag women and children off the streets and take them hostage in Gaza is appalling. They also beat to death a young German mother who was simply enjoying music at a Peace Festival, then stripped her naked and paraded her dead body through Gaza. How can any human being justify that??? These are animals, make no mistake. What is really sickening is that Sinn Fein continue to suppprt this terrorist organisation. Sinn Fein haven't changed. A leopard diesnt change its spots.
    Israel has over 44 women and 370 children imprisoned in cramled and inhumane shite, urine and what else covered tiny rooms. And those women you saw today knew about it and did nothing. And Israelis do worse to Palestinian women, kids and the elderly. Save your outrage for both. So is your outrage over the 'German woman' or? Coz she seems to be the protagonist of your post. And this is Palestines point. 75 years they've been suffering but its ok as long as its not someone who looks like you or your family, right?

    Personally, the adults can do whatever but kids?

  3. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by GoneShooting View Post
    Yes a horrible situation all around. I can see both sides of the argument. The frustrations & anger of people in Gaza, West Bank etc at their treatment, and also the need for Israel to defend their country from attack.

    I spent a few months in Israel around 20 years ago & had ongoing contact with them in years after. For various reasons, I met a lot of Israelis who were high-level in the military with years of serious frontline operational experience, specifically special forces.

    What I noticed during my time in Israel from most people that I met was a complete hatred of Arabs & Muslims, and plenty of deogratory comments about them on an ongoing basis. It reminded me very much of bigots up in the North of Ireland, I found it disturbing, and I was glad to get home away from the place.

    I really find it hard to understand, considering the terrible experience of Jewish people during the Nazi era, how they pass on not dissimilar treatment to Palestine & Arabs in Gaza etc. Of course I'll be called anti-semetic for saying this.

    I do not think there is any solution to the situation at all, it's too ingrained in history and decades of hatred now.
    There Was a solution : Ehud Barak ( the then prime minister of Israel ) was prepared to sign

    a peace deal with Arafat ( PLO ) that would’ve give Palestine Everything that they had fought for :

    withdrawal ( or at least halt ?? ) of illegal settlements , etc. , Jerusalem to be divided etc. etc. etc. :

    I do not remember all the details - would need to look it up .

    Arafat - in a ploy to stay in power - refused to sign . There was worldwide uproar !

    He could stay in power only as long as there was an ‘enemy’ . Soon as things would quiet , he called

    for intifada to inflame the Palestinian people , and to provoke a slash back from Israeli forces .

    And round and round it has gone Since .

    Soon as ‘peace’ ( lack of active attacks ) would come about , Israel commits an act that once again

    enrages the Palestinian people and so the retaliatory ‘terrorist’ strikes would renew once again ,

    justifying the Israeli heavy handedness .

    Israel is not the suffering party here .

    Putin playing same : so long there’s an ‘enemy’ he may still have support of rus people . Not otherwise .
    I do what I want. I cannot do otherwise.

  4. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Stephanie For This Useful Post:

    GoneShooting (09-10-23), MidlifeCrisis (13-10-23)

  5. #34
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    Jul 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by AmyTantraMassage View Post
    Israel has over 44 women and 370 children imprisoned in cramled and inhumane shite, urine and what else covered tiny rooms. And those women you saw today knew about it and did nothing. And Israelis do worse to Palestinian women, kids and the elderly. Save your outrage for both. So is your outrage over the 'German woman' or? Coz she seems to be the protagonist of your post. And this is Palestines point. 75 years they've been suffering but its ok as long as its not someone who looks like you or your family, right?

    Personally, the adults can do whatever but kids?
    Unfortunately you are right, but a war can't bring solution. Always the innocent people will suffer. :-((((((((
    Sensual massage with Thai oil massage elements ★★★★★
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    See you in Belfast! 🚢

  6. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Stephanie View Post
    At first blush my instinct was : it’s a false flag .

    How would Gaza , Hamas , Abbas even Remotely Hope to make a god damn’d difference

    against such powerful oppressor as Israel ??

    Look at the size of these ‘countries’ , territories ; look at their population and economy

    in comparison to each .

    Hamas , Gaza / and by extension West Bank stand no chance - no matter who may be supplying them .

    What had transpired was either a false flag or a suicide and mass-killing-atrocities brief campaign

    borne out of generations’ of frustration .

    The coming result will be a merciless pushback from Israel , no quarter given , no mercy shown .

    But No Sane person - no matter how frustrated - would initiate such an attack and provoke the repercussions ::

    :: it will be Palestinians dying in the greatest numbers - some men , but women and children !

    / when I say false flag :: the actual actors on the ground ( thousands of Hamas rockets and

    the Hamas ‘ soldiers / terrorists infiltrating west Israel ) likely not even aware of the wicked

    Global chess game that is playing out at the cost of Their assured death , and at the cost of

    losing innumerable innocent lives on each side .

    How will it end ?

    Unless US / and the rest change their policy on Israel , the end will be the total wipe out of Palestine .

    I hope Arafat is uncomfortable in his afterlife : he had the One opportunity to sign a long lasting

    continued peace deal with Ehud Barak , giving Palestine everything they have been fighting for ,

    and he refused :: for the sheer egomaniacal reason of trying to stay in power of PLO .

    Damned his countrymen to a slow and bloodied extinction .
    I only know what I read about this. What the Clinton admin put out. Was the deal refused on live TV or what that lying Lucifer and his people put out. Because, let's nit forget USA's part in all this.

  7. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Marko1980 View Post
    If you cant talk about the suffering on both sides, then youre being inhumane.
    And if you think Terrorist organisations start for the laugh then you need to pick up some history books, especially on Northern Ireland.
    The main point for me is if someone sees the latest bloody incident in the 50 year long middle east conflict and thinks about Sinn Fein then they dont get the nuance of the conflict at all.
    No logical person defends terrorism but you can understand that it doesnt happen for no apparent reason.
    For reference, in the last 20 years 12k Palestinian civilians have been killed by Israeli forces and 900 Israeli civilians have been killed.
    Lets call it what it is, terrorism vs state sponsored terrorism but only one generates outrage.
    It's not terrorism though is it? It's genocide and ethnic cleansing. The Israelis have never tried to hide from that. Same as the Irish genocide was renamed the Irish famine.

  8. The Following User Says Thank You to AmyTantraMassage For This Useful Post:

    Barney Rubble (09-10-23)

  9. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Airbusdriver View Post
    Hi Marko1980,

    FYI, I lived and worked in N.Ireland at the height of the conflict. I am very familiar with the conflict. I was regularly stopped and searched by the RUC/British Army. I never reacted or gave lip and, to be fair, in return I was never ill-treated and let go on my way when checked out. In later years I was involved with a cross border peace initative. I had plenty of long conversations with former terrorist prisoners and victims. Please don’t assume things about those you are addressing your comments to.

    In the N.I conflict 3,500 people were killed. 3,150 of them were killed by terrorists. 350 were killed by the Security Forces.

    But back to this thread. Hamas have committed unbelievable atrocities, even worse now than we knew yesterday. Hundreds of innocent people executed whilst simply enjoying music at a peace festival. They are pure and utter scum, no right thinking person would ever support their actions, that’s why I want to vomit when I see Sinn Fein supporting acts like this.

    Everyone is entitled to their opinion, that's mine.
    Ah sure, they should just kay there and let Israel and the western world wipe them off of the face of the planet whilst the world watches. How dare they do that and not just let Israel torture and murder their whole ethnicity. Shameful of them to attack festival goers instead of staying at home with their wives and kids wondering when they'll be bombed next. The notions of fighting back. Of attacking where they know will get news coverage in hopes the rest of the world will finally help before they're all wiped. How dare they interrupt people having fun instead of just bloody dying already, right?

  10. The Following User Says Thank You to AmyTantraMassage For This Useful Post:

    Barney Rubble (09-10-23)

  11. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by jessicabp View Post
    Unfortunately you are right, but a war can't bring solution. Always the innocent people will suffer. :-((((((((
    Nothing can. So Hamas figured they'll take as many with them as they can and shame the world all at once.

  12. Default

    “Complete Siege” of Gaza has commenced .

    I do what I want. I cannot do otherwise.

  13. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Stephanie View Post
    There Was a solution : Ehud Barak ( the then prime minister of Israel ) was prepared to sign

    a peace deal with Arafat ( PLO ) that would’ve give Palestine Everything that they had fought for :

    withdrawal ( or at least halt ?? ) of illegal settlements , etc. , Jerusalem to be divided etc. etc. etc. :

    I do not remember all the details - would need to look it up .

    Arafat - in a ploy to stay in power - refused to sign . There was worldwide uproar !

    He could stay in power only as long as there was an ‘enemy’ . Soon as things would quiet , he called

    for intifada to inflame the Palestinian people , and to provoke a slash back from Israeli forces .

    And round and round it has gone Since .

    Soon as ‘peace’ ( lack of active attacks ) would come about , Israel commits an act that once again

    enrages the Palestinian people and so the retaliatory ‘terrorist’ strikes would renew once again ,

    justifying the Israeli heavy handedness .

    Israel is not the suffering party here .

    Putin playing same : so long there’s an ‘enemy’ he may still have support of rus people . Not otherwise .
    If Mexico had so much as voiced Putin might put a mere tanker in Cancun, America would have had an impenetrable wall built around Mexico and obliterated the whole country in the time it took that autistic can't lie sociopath to tell that actor who should win all the awards, that if he keeps threatening to allow nato into Ukraine, he'd start a war. In fact, I'd have taken America 10% of the time it took Russia between the initial warnings and the 1st attack. And this is why wars should have been abolished. Because dick measuring contests now come with bombs and the killings of innocents.

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