But I was on my own time so I think it's a private matter.........I'd like to make it clear I'm not employed directally by Burger King for this sort of thing......... It's not my main job but I need to do it for a little extra cash.......... I know people in this business are looked down on by most people and even hated, particularly in the pub and club scene, I do it there sometimes too......... but really it's just a job............ We have to put up with having a lot of stuff being thrown in our faces, aduse from drunk people who think we're not doing a good job and often a dig thrown here and there.......

Anyway like I say, I was on my own time when this happened so I don't think I should be blamed ..........

It's a tough life in the contracted security business workin in Burger King............. I wasn't due in till 4pm..................