chances are most guys who enjoy the company of an escort are there because they are lonely and the sex part is just a lovely bonus, I'm sure there are many who would happily spend time with any one of you lovely ladies just for your company i think the dictating issue would be the cost.

there are different kinds of loneliness , being lonely for physical touch can be just as compelling as that for company,

i personally have great respect for the ladies and gents who do this type of work, i understand it is a job and for money but what they give to most is priceless and for that they deserve great respect, i would be honoured to spend time in the company of such people, i have had the pleasure of a night out with a lovely lady from here, off the books, we enjoyed a lovely night of clubbing and chat,,, it is not only clients that get lonely, and having someone to go out with can prevent unwanted attention when one only wants to let the hair down and enjoy their time off be it for a dinner or a night on the dance floor,

for me i have never attained the company of anyone for the sex, as nice as it is at the time it is always for the company.