Quote Originally Posted by ber View Post
Amsterdam is no picnic either and is still very much controlled by Pimps
they just rent out the windows and put ladies working in them too,u can even see that some
parts of the district are much sleazier than others,once u move away from the very centre
there appears to be alot of African and Carribbean ladies working in those windows,and if
u just observe for a while u can obviously see some unsavoury characters (pimps) around
keeping an eye on their investment. Would be of the opinion that many of theese are trafficked or at the very least coerced.Besides there are moves ahead to restrict the amount
of windows with a pretty large reduction.There seems to be an issue there with the fact
that a few individuals hold the ownership or leases on alot of the windows and if u walk
around there u will see a big drug culture aswell as the the Cafes
i understand all you say but my point is there is at least some control and its this control that is actually going to enable them to restrict as you say.Here there is the attitude of wiping it out which is impossible to be honest because as long as ppl exist the industry will too.

Like anything else there will always be the bad with the good.Thats life but this will be the case regardless of wether its legalised or not but at least with legislation there would be a start and as i said some element of control.
