Quote Originally Posted by experienced punter View Post
my dark secret I'm spending a fortune talking to babes/some not so good looking on my webcam She can see me pulling my mickey while I can see her as she plays with herself anyone else into this?
iv never tried them ep,but being the dirty fecker i am il probaly give it a bash at some stage.i remeber scrappin money together when i was younger to buy credit for my phone to ring one of those sexlines in the paper.talk about fuckin exxpensive,20 euro wud get you a wank listenin to some man tellin you about section 17 of the somthing or other crriminal act you cant do this or do that.then youd listen to a recordin with dodgey music in the back and some 50 year old aul one tryin to sound sexy.your were lucky to even speak to a female.credit wud go and your left there with a throbbin erection.
its things like them that make you steal your friends knickers