There will be no saga between me or anyone.Life is too short.
Its fine to give an opinion but not be opinionated.A little politeness goes a long way in answering a thread.Even if we dont agree with the opinion of others.

Not everyone sings from the same hymn sheet and that's fine.But we must not attack others because we disagree with their views.

Yes from time to time there are people with big problems who delight in upsetting others.We must not let these people do so.Because if we met them in person we would find out why they act the way they do.Often those who shout the loudest on these kinds of boards are the saddest and loneliest people in the world.Often they think they are being funny when in fact they are being offensive.And if they do not realize this,they need help.Like the guy in the song says,tumor in your humor.

Well must go now and put my muffins in the oven before I nip out for a pair of open crouch pants,lol.

Have a good weekend.

Samantha x Home