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  1. Thread: Ruhama

    by UKHeather

    Independent ladies have no intention of taking it...

    Independent ladies have no intention of taking it lying down ;)
  2. Thread: Ruhama

    by UKHeather



    Why not email Ruhama and ask them where you, the independent sex worker by choice fit into their agenda. I'm going to do just that. They need to have pressure put on them....
  3. That's exactly it Banjaxed! The TORL have duped...

    That's exactly it Banjaxed! The TORL have duped the public into thinking that this new legislation has to do with trafficking, when it has absolutely nothing to do with it! The laws governing...
  4. Oooh my god why cant they just give up,bringing ...

    Oooh my god why cant they just give up,bringing up any kind of law will never stop prostitution it will always be there done in different ways.Its like a disease without cure you end up accepting...
  5. I sincerely doubt that any of the organisations...

    I sincerely doubt that any of the organisations have had much contact with independent indoor sex workers.
    Just because someone works in a fancy apartment doesn't make them any less vulnerable than...
  6. Duly noted. In relation to the whole "Escorts...

    Duly noted.

    In relation to the whole "Escorts are Victims, Clients are Sleazeballs" spin that is doing the rounds, here are some points which "certain organisations" should take note of:

    On the...
  7. Warmcome, this is an excellent analogy which...

    Warmcome, this is an excellent analogy which people here should file away for future use. And it's all the more potent because it's absolutely 100% correct.
  8. Interesting Points About Ruhama Ruhama is...

    Interesting Points About Ruhama

    Ruhama is handed in the region of €700,000 p.a of the Taxpayer's money (almost 'No Questions Asked') for doing nothing but making life difficult for the people they...
  9. Replies

    In new zealand it works as i know some one who...

    In new zealand it works as i know some one who use to work over there and she said it was brilliant. Why can't they give it ago and every escort has to pay tax, health screening every 3 months,...
  10. drink driving and smoking inside have been...

    drink driving and smoking inside have been reduced by legislation and enforcement.

    allow me to give you an example where legislation has failed to stop and actually
    increased the danger.

  11. No great surprise here Vanessa, I'm afraid. ...

    No great surprise here Vanessa, I'm afraid.

    Denise Charlton quoted in the article above, is the CEO of the Immigrant council of Ireland. They are the twin sister of Ruhama, needing to create a...
  12. NO DEFEATISM!! I am certainly NOT letting it...


    I am certainly NOT letting it all hang out as I have with the slightest intention of losing to a pack of self-serving interfering bitches (NB I am an *altruistic* interfering bitch...
  13. Replies

    you can never stop the purchasing of sex it has...

    you can never stop the purchasing of sex it has been going on for decades i think drinking driving is a bit different cos you can kill people behind the wheel. We as escorts don't kill no one. Yes...
  14. Thanks Vanessa. the minister didn't really give...

    Thanks Vanessa. the minister didn't really give away anything did he?

    Here's hoping that common sense and true justice prevail.
  15. Minister Shatter was speaking at the opening of...

    Minister Shatter was speaking at the opening of that conference. a revealing conference.
    i predict the third listed option will be the outcome:

    * non-criminalisation, which would mean sex workers...
  16. oh well,when we pull our knickers down,let them...

    oh well,when we pull our knickers down,let them without a sin cast the 1st stone.
  17. I can't agree more 007! And you'd think that...

    I can't agree more 007! And you'd think that groups like Ruhama, the immigrant council and Labour women would put safety of escorts first? Sadly they ignore the evidence and persist with their real...
  18. My concern is both parts to be safe, the client...

    My concern is both parts to be safe, the client and the escort.
    Genuine clients must be safe!
  19. A law against pandering (benefiting from a...

    A law against pandering (benefiting from a person’s engagement in prostitution), one against the use of rental apartments for prostitution (in practice a ban on brothels or using one’s apartment for...
  20. Very important- Northern Ireland consultation/submission deadline 18th October!

    It is heartening that the fight is still being taken to the TOTRL crowd including at the upcoming conference on sex work and the very best of luck to those who are against criminalising.

Results 1 to 20 of 21