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  1. You have correctly pointed out the Genesis of the...

    You have correctly pointed out the Genesis of the conflict.
    (1) The state of Israel was founded in 1948.
    By basically kicking out any locals. And before 1948 it was called Palestine.
    (2) When...
  2. Israeli attack on unarmed civillians in international waters an act of terrorism

    For a country that is constantly whinging about what happened to the jews in WWII.
    They can not take any moral high ground on how they handle situations.

    They are responsible for many modern day...
  3. Thread: Focus on Ruhama

    by Smarty

    Ruhama is just a group of frustrated nuns

    I've said it here before and I will say it again Ruhama is just a group of frustrated nuns, who would'nt get a ride off a priest.

    Lets face it Ruhama was initially set up as an out reach project...
  4. Ruhama is just a group of frustrated nuns

    I've said it here before and I will say it again Ruhama is just a group of frustrated nuns, who would'nt get a ride off a priest.

    Lets face it Ruhama was initially set up as an out reach project...
  5. Replies

    Request for sexyfukka


    Will you stop replying to threads that are years old.

    It's giving me and I'm sure other members a pain in the arse.

    Kind Regards,

Results 1 to 5 of 5