Famous People With Large Noses part 4

  1. magicalman9357
    8. KATE ELDER, alias FISHER (American brothel owner, 1870s)

    She was famous in the Wild West as "Big Nose" Kate. Her nose was of the bulbous variety. She ran a house of ill fame in Dodge City, Kans., and was the mistress of badman Doc Holliday. Once when Holliday, in an argument over a poker hand, slit his opponent's throat and was about to be arrested, "Big Nose" Kate set the livery stable afire, creating a distraction that allowed her lover to escape.

    9. JIMMY "SCHNOZZOLA" DURANTE (American entertainer, 1893- )

    He parlayed his elongated proboscis into a show business fortune as a song-and-dance comic star of stage, screen, and television.
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